Cagliari, hours of waiting for Nicola. But what does the team need?

Cagliari, hours of waiting for Nicola. But what does the team need?
Cagliari, hours of waiting for Nicola. But what does the team need?

There have been hours of frantic waiting for the announcement of Davide Nicola as the new coach of Cagliari. The delay, or presumed delay, arose from the fact that the coach still under contract with Empoli will have to appear, together with the Tuscan club, at the conciliation board for the so-called consensual separation. No danger or worry, therefore, in the rossoblù house, also because the coach himself has already set up some discussions with the sporting director Bonato on market strategies. There are many knots to untie around the squad, as there are many doubts relating to elements that last year did not perform according to expectations: Let’s analyze the back line:

DEFENSE. Having said goodbye to third goalkeeper Aresti and with Radunovic wanting to play, Cagliari will soon find themselves with only Scuffet. A minor problem, considering that the young Ciocci will be evaluated in retreat, and hiring a reliable third is not a big deal. With Dossena having left, who brought some money to invest, there is bated breath regarding Mina: the Colombian, busy with the Copa America, has a clause (valid until August) according to which he could leave the company in exchange for an offer of 2 million euros. It would be a very hard blow to swallow, also because Mina was one of the protagonists of the rossoblù’s salvation. In the center, Hatzidiakos, Wieteska and Obert would remain. The latter, the only left-handed player in the defense, is young, works hard, but sometimes he loses his bearings. There is no doubt about his permanence, also because he is esteemed by the same club. The impact of Hatzidiakos and Wiesteska has been negative. In their partial defense, the fact that they arrived in Sardinia and in a championship unknown to them at the beginning of the championship. This could be the turning point tournament, also because the qualities, especially physical ones, are not lacking. But the risk is that of having to take cover at a later time, something that the rossoblù club would frankly like to avoid. For this moment, the confirmation of Mina becomes an essential factor. External chapter: Zappa and Di Pardo are at the moment the battery of the right. If for the first the confirmation should not be a problem, for the former Cosenza player the probability of leaving is considerable. Radiomercato talks about the strong interest in Zortea from Atalanta who, should it materialize, would inevitably become the master of that area of ​​the field. On the opposite side Augello is untouchable, while for Azzi there is interest coming from the second division. The Brazilian has suffered the impact with the top division, his shortcomings in the defensive phase have been evident. His spirit of self-sacrifice is undeniable, but in that area of ​​the pitch it is unthinkable not to be reliable in the non-possession phase. It is probable, however, that Nicola himself may decide to keep him and give him further confidence.

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