Coldiretti, Filiera Italia and CDP in support of Italian agri-food

Coldiretti, Filiera Italia and CDP in support of Italian agri-food
Coldiretti, Filiera Italia and CDP in support of Italian agri-food

Support for Italian companies in the strategic supply chains of the agri-food sector and international development cooperation. These are the cornerstones of the memorandum of understanding that Coldiretti e Italian Supply Chain they signed with Deposit Fund and Loans on the occasion of the second day of the Coldiretti Village in Venice.

The agreement was signed by the President of Coldiretti, Ettore Prandini, CEO of Filiera Italia, Luigi Scordamaglia, and Deputy General Manager and CDP Business Director, Massimo Di Carlo.

The collaboration will also take shape through interventions to support innovation processes, sustainable growth and internationalisation for the entire sector and to support investment initiatives by companies operating in emerging economies, to encourage the development of local agri-food supply chains and matchmaking activities between Italian companies and the local entrepreneurial fabric.

Thanks to the participation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, alternative finance and subsidized credit instruments will also be made available.
Thanks to the collaboration, the following will also be promoted:‘Access to credit for companies associated with Filiera Italia and Coldiretti of the “mid to large” segment and new guarantee initiatives may be launched by CDP in favor of the companies involved, with particular attention to supporting SMEs for the enhancement of the national agri-food heritage.

The collaboration will also include communication activities aimed at companies registered with Filiera Italia and Coldiretti of the initiatives promoted through territorial roadshows, matchmaking events to facilitate the meeting and synergies of Italian companies with institutions and organizations in emerging countries, working tables and study and in-depth activities based on the needs of the companies involved.

“The agreement with CDP – explains Coldiretti President Ettore Prandini – also responds to the need to provide more tools for accessing credit to our businesses, to counteract the increase in interest rates. We support those who want to invest in development, innovation and sustainability processes, also looking at internationalization which represents one of the strongest keys to competitiveness for the entire Italian agri-food sector”.

In this regard he comments Luigi Scordamaglia, CEO of Filiera Italia: “We support our businesses by guaranteeing increasingly personalized support tools, and this agreement – in addition to responding to this need – represents a concrete recognition of the integrated and sustainable supply chain model that Coldiretti and Filiera Italia have created, the only one to guarantee the competitiveness of our businesses on both the national and international markets”.

“It is with great satisfaction that – he explains Massimo Di Carlo, Deputy General Manager and Business Director CDP – we are renewing our collaboration with Coldiretti and Filiera Italia, confirming CDP’s growing commitment to the development of a key sector such as the agri-food sector. The agreement will support key initiatives to facilitate access to credit for companies in the sector, including through alternative finance tools made available by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Furthermore, activities aimed at internationalization will be promoted, with a particular focus on emerging economies”.

Opening, from left: Ettore Prandini, President of Coldiretti; Luigi Scordamaglia, CEO of Filiera Italia; Massimo Di Carlo, Deputy General Manager and Business Director CDP (gc)

Source: Coldiretti Press Office

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