the former barracks in largo Pioppi becomes the home of culture

the former barracks in largo Pioppi becomes the home of culture
the former barracks in largo Pioppi becomes the home of culture

Waiting for that the municipal administration unblock the political decision regarding the call for tenders for the assignment of public spaces available to the institution to committees and associations in possession of the necessary requirements, the Province has already published a few months ago an expression of interest to grant the premises of the former barracks in Largo Pioppi to as many operators who need to find places to carry out cultural activities. The intent is clear: in this case it is not a question of assigning offices or secretariats, but of small hubs, contained within common spaces, to be made alive all year round through the organization of events ranging from music to art, from literature to cinema and theater. In January there was a first meeting attended by almost twenty particularly active entities in the area, from Linea d’Ombra to Salerno Letteratura, from Acli to Limen and the Gatto Foundation, just to name a few. Between March and April, some site inspections were carried out because the former Barracks cannot be divided, so it will be necessary to establish a sort of condominium regulation for the management of common areas such as the entrance, the internal courtyard, the stairs and the bathrooms. After the site inspections, preparatory to verifying the relevance of the premises to the needs of the operators, eight people remained interested in being part of this sort of house of culture.


The list is still provisional because the provincial administration is working on a double track: on the one hand the purely cultural organization of the contents that will be proposed by institutions, associations and committees, on the other hand on the asset management of the property that needs renovation work. Restyling interventions that will not be paid for by St. Augustine Palacebut of those who will take over the former barracks, who will however be reimbursed part of the first rent. And the operators will always be responsible for the ordinary management and maintenance costs of the premises. A way to make a space that has been closed for a long time alive and operational, which, in the coming months, is a candidate to become a place open to citizens, families, young people, where cultural activities can be carried out, with a specific focus on social issues. «I believe that thethe project of the president Franco Alfieri it is commendable – he explains the delegate for culture for the Province Francesco Morra – On the one hand, we respond to requests that come from a territory that is hungry for space and often has few opportunities to express itself and thus also give an opportunity to many young talents. On the other hand, we contribute, in a fruitful public-private synergy, to ensure that some assets owned by the Province do not remain empty and unused and therefore also exposed to the risk of deterioration due to neglect”.


This is a choice that we hope the municipal administration will also adopt, once again urged by the upper historic centre committee which, in premises of largo Montonewould like to create an after-school program for disadvantaged children, a library and an open-air film festival along with other charitable initiatives. Some councilors have expressed their full support and availability to the committee’s appeal and a draft regulation drawn up by the‘Municipal Councilor for Security Claudio Tringali together with Councilor for Social Policies Paola De Roberto It has already existed for about two years.

To this will be added a second draft, on which Tringali is working, relating to the care of common goods. The document will have to go to the council, be eventually refined and then made known and become a new and valuable tool to enhance the many experiments of active citizenship that have also been present in the city territory for some years, starting from the same committee and the Blam collective that has adopted the former church of Morticelli.


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