In Andria, high risk also from abandoned waste

In Andria, high risk also from abandoned waste
In Andria, high risk also from abandoned waste
The emergency in Puglia is growing with the risk of fires also increasing due to abandoned waste, with Puglia in second place in the national ranking of environmental crimes due to the dumping of all kinds of waste in the countryside, when in 2023 alone 2,462 hectares of forest in Puglia went up in smoke. This is what Coldiretti Puglia states, in relation to the fire in the Cesine oasis, only the latest in a series of fires that are affecting the region.

In the province of Foggia the fields are at the mercy of eco-mafias, with the dumping of waste of all kinds in the fields – insists Coldiretti Puglia – even coming from neighboring regions, then burned, with incalculable economic and environmental damage, in Andria in the BAT waste of all kinds is abandoned in the olive groves causing damage to the environment and to the image of the cityin the province of Brindisi there are increasing reports of night-time dumping of waste in the fields, including Eternit and tires.

Among the recommendations developed by Coldiretti, the first rule to follow in the woods is – says Coldiretti – to avoid lighting fires not only in wooded areas, but also in cultivated areas or near them, while in equipped areas, where it is allowed, it is necessary to constantly check the flame and verify before leaving not only that the fire is out, but also that the embers are completely cold. Especially in the countryside – specifies Coldiretti – never throw cigarette butts or lit matches from the car and when you have chosen the place to stop, check that the muffler of the car is not in contact with dry grass that could catch fire.

Furthermore – continues Coldiretti – never abandon waste or rubbish in wooded areas or near them and in particular, avoid dispersing pressurised containers (gas cans, deodorants, paints, etc.) into the environment, which could easily explode or catch fire at high temperatures. If a fire is spotted – advises Coldiretti – do not take autonomous initiatives, but always stay in the wind, avoiding being surrounded by the flames, and promptly inform the responsible authorities.

Since – continues Coldiretti – 6 out of 10 fires are estimated to be caused voluntarily, also by arsonists or criminals interested in destroying the forests, it is necessary to collaborate with the Forestry Corps and with the Public Security forces to stop suspicious or malicious behavior favored by the state of abandonment of the national forests.

It will take at least 15 years – concludes Coldiretti – to completely restore the green areas destroyed by the flames with damages of over ten thousand euros per hectare between immediate costs for extinguishing and remediation and long-term costs for the reconstitution of the environmental and economic systems of the devastated areas.

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