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“Hostage to gangs of kids.” Exasperated residents

“Hostage to gangs of kids.” Exasperated residents
“Hostage to gangs of kids.” Exasperated residents

PESARO Schools closed, summer, heat: a deadly combo that unleashes gangs of kids with raids until the wee hours of the morning amidst noise, fights and loud music, and the anger of residents forced to sleepless nights. It happens in Villa San Martino, concentrated especially around Piazzale Papa Giovanni XXIII as shown in a shot posted the other night at 2 am by one of the exasperated residents and where you can see a patrol of the carabinieri and an ambulance. “The situation has become unsustainable – they explain – it’s time to take action”.

The last episode

The incident in question is a clash between two groups of very young people that degenerated into a brawl that forced the police to intervene along with a Potes vehicle amidst the general stampede. It seems that the fight broke out between two groups over damage done to a scooter. A brawl ensued that prompted the residents to raise the alarm with the arrival of patrols on duty and 118 and those who did not flee were identified.

“They are little hooligans,” the residents continue, “they are not from the neighborhood, they come from other areas and they hold us hostage every night. It has been happening for a long time but in the summer the situation gets worse, especially on weekends when they gather in the square and continue until dawn. On Sunday it was 5 when we heard screams that woke up the whole neighborhood.” From what we have been able to learn, there are not only minors who take advantage of the “free for all” at the end of school. In the groups there are also adults, several second-generation foreigners, others who already know each other as problematic. They are not all kids who live in the neighborhood, some come from nearby areas.

What to do

“They only come to make noise and damage,” complain the residents. And again – “They hang on to the doorbells and intercoms and call everyone, not caring what time it is. It happens all the time: in the afternoon, in the evening and at night. And if you try to tell them something they answer you in a haughty way, some insult you. It’s clear that they want to provoke you. Believe me, it’s only the beginning of summer and there’s already exasperation. If no one intervenes I don’t know how things will go on. There are also videos where you can see these little hooligans bothering everyone.” What are the residents asking for? More police presence, more patrols as a deterrent. And a position taken by the Municipality.


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Adriatic Courier

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