Treviso, Bisciò project space to grow

Treviso, Bisciò project space to grow
Treviso, Bisciò project space to grow

Special afternoon at the park in the San Paolo neighborhood, where children and families celebrated, on Thursday 20 June, the second birthday of Spazio Bisciò, a meeting place that has now become a point of reference for minors in the northern neighborhoods of the city.

In fact, two years ago, under the porticoes of the historic public housing building, “Biscione” opened the headquarters of this project, desired and financed by the Zanetti ETS foundation and managed in collaboration with the educators of the La Esse cooperative.

In the afternoons of the year, the enrolled children were able to participate in various workshops, organized in a structured, safe, open and inclusive space, where they can learn to grow, acquire skills and live alongside their peers with respect and a sense of collaboration. Here, children aged 5 to 11 can also find a healthy snack and study support every day.

Thanks to the daily presence of educators and the network between public and third sector entities and citizens, the project has taken on an authentic social value, with significant results also on the scholastic level.

This is confirmed by the 2,514 presences registered in this second year of opening, with 141 families registered and an average of 50 children who regularly participate in the activities. All this is possible thanks to the synergy with institutions, associations and volunteers: a network of 35 subjects who, also within the scope of the Community Educational Pact, are committed to the educational support of minors.

From the film club to the theater workshop with the final show, from the animated readings together with the volunteers of Lilt – Playing in the corridor to the mathematical games workshop to the outings in the city, the project’s laboratory activities have been expanded to meet the specific needs of the different age groups.

Together with the educators, the children spent an afternoon at Brat – Treviso children’s library, playing and reading, and took part in a guided tour with Treviso Sotterranea. The trips to the urban gardens “Mi prendo cura” in via Borgo Furo with the volunteers continue, to grow plants and talk about nutrition.

As soon as the percussion workshop is over, they are ready for two educational trips to the Cervara nature reserve in Quinto di Treviso and to the botanical garden of Padua where they will also participate in an educational workshop and a walk in the historic centre of the city.

The range of activities will expand during the summer mornings, with the Viale Francia location remaining open from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 12.

Spazio Bisciò is not, however, a reference only for the little ones, but also for adults, such as mothers who were able to participate in the Italian course. Spazio Bisciò is also important from an educational and pedagogical point of view, as confirmed by the head teacher of Ic 5, Luigi Coletti, Angela Ferraro, who together with some teachers attended the party and confirmed the evident benefits of the project on the kids.

An idea born from the pandemic, as explained by the mind behind the initiative, the foundation’s vice president, Laura Zanetti: “After the difficult situation created by Covid – she said – we felt the need to do something for the children of our area, and we chose to open a space in a neighborhood full of energy, potential and needs”.

The afternoon of celebration saw the participation of many children and young people, who were able to follow creative workshops, participate in the Ludobus games, give vent to their creativity with face painting by Crispy Cloun and attend the grand finale, with the show “Che bolle in pentola”, with soap bubbles of a thousand shapes and sizes by Elena Baracco.

The children also performed in the music and dance shows they had prepared during the year.

Also present to blow out the candles at the park were the councilors of the Municipality of Treviso, Gloria Sernagiotto, Education, and Gloria Tessarolo, Social; as well as the president of Ater Treviso, Mauro Dal Zilio, who is making the commercial space available on loan for use and has just replaced the windows, to make them safe.

Among the promoters, the president of the Zanetti foundation, Mauro Pizzigati, the president of the cooperative La Esse, Alberto Baccichetto, and the coordinator of the Bisciò, Lucia Di Palma. “When it’s time to turn off the lights – the educators concluded – it’s not easy to distance ourselves from this space, which for many now smells like home, a place that is family, belonging and welcome”.

Parents interested in the project can write an email to [email protected]. (Manuela Mazzariol)

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