Lecce Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

Lecce Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July
Lecce Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

Wednesday 3 July in Lecce is expected to be a day with variable weather conditions. The early hours of the morning will be characterized by overcast skies with 100% cloud cover. Temperatures will remain around +22°Cwith a light breeze coming from the North West with gusts up to 37,3 km/hHumidity will be around 71% and the atmospheric pressure will be 1004hPa.

During the morning, the sky will clear slightly, with few clouds and cloud cover settling around the 15-16%Temperatures will rise up to +26°Cwith a strong breeze blowing from the North – North West at a speed of approximately 33 km/h. Humidity will remain around the 57% and the atmospheric pressure at 1004hPa.

In the afternoon, the sky will become more cloudy again, with cloud cover reaching 70-80%Temperatures will remain around +26°Cwith a brisk breeze blowing from the North at a speed of about 20 km/h. Humidity will increase slightly until 56% and the atmospheric pressure will be at 1003hPa.

In the evening, the sky will remain cloudy at 100%with temperatures dropping to +22°CThe wind will be a light breeze from the North – North West at a speed of about 10 km/hHumidity will be around 61% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable at 1004hPa.

In conclusion, Wednesday 3 July in Lecce is expected to be a day with alternating clearings and clouds, pleasant temperatures and moderate wind. The weather conditions will remain stable in the next few days, with variable skies and temperatures that will settle around +26°C. Stay tuned for more details on forecast to Lecce.

All weather data for Wednesday 3 July in Lecce

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