Lazio, OFFICIAL a purchase of a young talent: here’s who it is | Market

Lazio, OFFICIAL a purchase of a young talent: here’s who it is | Market
Lazio, OFFICIAL a purchase of a young talent: here’s who it is | Market

It is moving well ahead of the curve Lazio at the start of this summer transfer market. The official announcements have already arrived on the first day of the session Noslin (actually already announced yesterday evening), Thank you and now also that of the young man Cristo Munoztaken from Barcelona on a free transfer:

SS Lazio announces that it has reached an agreement for the signing of an employment contract with the footballer Cristobal Muñoz Lopez, coming from FC Barcelona.

This is the press release that appeared a short while ago on the Biancoceleste club’s website. The Spanish player born in 2005 will leave with the first team for the Auronzo retreat and will be evaluated by Baroni. He will then rejoin the Primavera team group. In any case, Lazio’s plan is to have him shuttle back and forth, along the lines of what already happened with Diego Gonzalez (who will say goodbye to the youth team after reaching the age limit), hoping however for different fortunes in the explosion of the player’s talent. As has been reported several times in recent weeks, Lotito and Fabiani are planning a restructuring of the squad, to rejuvenate the team in view of the next season, to open a new cycle. And also focusing on young players on the launch pad is part of this refoundation project. A fast central midfielder or even an attacking midfielder when necessary, Munoz signed a three-year contract with the Capitoline players and those who have observed him closely assure that he has all the credentials to quickly carve out important spaces on the pitch.

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