The Region allocates 45 million for businesses, Iodice and Santangelo rejoice

The Region allocates 45 million for businesses, Iodice and Santangelo rejoice
The Region allocates 45 million for businesses, Iodice and Santangelo rejoice

As part of the aid to businesses aimed at supporting and attracting investments for the strengthening of the production structure of Campania, the Region has decided to plan, in addition to what has already been foreseen, i.e. 85 million euros, further resources for a total of 45 million euros.

“With this money – explains the Regional Councilor, Maria Luigia Iodice of the ‘Italian Socialist Party, Free Campania, Noi di Centro, Noi Campani’ group – we aim to implement integrated strategic interventions that include productive investments, carrying out industrial research activities and of experimental development and adaptation of workers’ skills. We also want to encourage the diffusion and expansion of digital and clean technologies and intend to achieve important results in relation to the green and digital transitions”.

“The Region allocates 45 million euros to Campania companies to encourage innovation and ecological transition. The resolution was published in the early afternoon on the Burc. Once again, President De Luca chooses the path of concreteness to encourage new production processes and create employment in our territory. The investments will in fact favor the inclusion of qualified figures and, at the same time, retrain the professionalism that already exists, increasing the competitiveness of our companies. The 45 million euros are added to a further 85 million euros that the Campania Region had made available to the production sector, a sign of the strong attention that our governor has towards those who intend to create development in our territory”, declared Vincenzo Santangelo, regional councilor of the Italia Viva group to the council regional of Campania.

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