Autonomy, Zaia confirms: “Veneto is ready to resume negotiations”

Autonomy, Zaia confirms: “Veneto is ready to resume negotiations”
Autonomy, Zaia confirms: “Veneto is ready to resume negotiations”

The law of thedifferentiated autonomy It was published in the Official Journal on June 26th and the opposition continues to organize itself in view of the request for a referendum, which could put an end to what they have defined as a “Italy-splitting reform“. In the meantime, the president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia continues his journey for the implementation of the provisions of autonomy, so as to allow the Veneto to be able to enjoy the supposed advantages that this brings with it.

Today we sign the reopening of the national negotiation table on autonomy” declared the Venetian governor this morning, claiming that he wanted to immediately start negotiations on the nine subjects not subject to the Essential Performance Levels (Lep), so as to be able to add the other 14 in 24 months. The big knot to be resolved before the definitive entry into force of this law, in fact, it concerns the Lep, on most of which there is still no agreement between the State and the Region. Zaia’s action, therefore, aims precisely to speed up this process, which already promises to be full of obstacles.

Just a few days ago, in fact, the leader of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, announced the formation of a group which will have the task of supervising the autonomy and the way in which the assignment of the Lep will be managed. The opposition, instead, has started a working table with the aim of requesting the abrogative referendum, urging the Italian population to understand the dangers that would be hidden behind this law.

Zaia: “Draft agreement for Veneto by the end of the year

President Luca Zaia today signed a letter addressed to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Minister Roberto Calderoli with the aim of immediately resuming negotiations for autonomy. Specifically, the letter states asked for the 9 subjects for which the determination of the exams is not yet foreseen essential levels of performance (Lep) based on the approved law.

These subjects are: Organization of justice of the peace, International relations and with the EU of the Region, Foreign trade, Professions, Civil protection, Complementary and supplementary pensions, Coordination of public finance and the tax system, Savings banks, rural areas, regional credit companies, regional land and agricultural credit institutions.

Luca Zaia, governor of Veneto, comments on the episode of violence in Morgano

Instead, the subjects in which there is already an agreement between the State and the Region are employment policies, education, protection of the environment and ecosystem and health protection, but these will be added later. Only after the examination of these first subjects will it be possible to extend the work to the remaining 10 subjects.for which the relevant Lep have yet to be determined.

According to Zaiaon the requests for autonomy of the Veneto, it’s possible an agreement by the end of the year“. The governor described this process as “a test bed” both for the region and for the State, including the majority and the opposition. Zaia then addedhave a dossier for each subject” and that the Region “is ready to submit the requests“. Precisely for this purpose, the Regional Stakeholder Council will be brought together in order to proceed with all the necessary steps.

Autonomy: “It remains to be seen whether the referendum is constitutional.

When asked about the criticisms and movements of the opposition, Luca Zaia was peremptory. “I hear about referendum” he declared at a press conference, before raising doubts as to whether this manoeuvre by the opposition is truly constitutional. “It is a democratic right, but we need to see if what we are asking for is constitutional – claimed the governor – Faced with our referendum, the Constitution and a ruling by the Constitutional Court, faced with a law from Parliament that has had a broad discussion, and with the signature of the Head of State, I imagine that the constitutional judges will look at the request for an abrogative referendum from all sides in a back light“.

Zaia he then continued his speech by stating that every regional president should take into consideration the opportunities offered by the autonomy reform, and saying he hopeful thata Southern Region decides to ask for it“. Zaia then recalled that the founding fathers said that “we need more State where we need more State and less State where we need less State“, and that therefore those who want to have autonomy should not be prevented from having autonomy. The president of the Veneto Region also expressed his opinion willing totwinning Veneto with a southern region” precisely to test the autonomy together and ensure that “let inequalities go away“.

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