storms and hail, debris flow in Veneto

storms and hail, debris flow in Veneto
storms and hail, debris flow in Veneto

An unstable cold front descending from the Alps is once again bringing bad weather to Northern Italy. Heavy thunderstorms are hitting several areas of the Piedmontin particular between Canavese, western Vercellese and lower Biellese. A strong hailstormwith medium-sized grains, occurred at Alice Castle (VC).

Strong thunderstorms are also underway in the North-East. In Friuli Venezia Giulia, there is a strong storm line going from Vicenza to Udine: the storms are causing torrential rain, hailstorms and strong gusts of wind. The situation is critical in the Belluno area, where a significant debris flow on SP347 at Passo Duran: the road is closed in the Le Vare area. In Vittorio Veneto, in the Treviso area, where they have already fallen 77mm of rain, there was also a hailstorm.

Among the most important rainfall data so far, we highlight: 52mm in Codroipo, 51mm to Nave, Dardago, 50mm a Moruzzo, 47mm in Udine, 46mm to Borello.

Bad weather will continue in the North in the next few hours: beware of the risk of multicells and supercells, with associated cloudbursts, medium-large sized hail and gusts of wind.

Storm with hail in Vittorio Veneto

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