In Sardara the Pro Loco go to the vote: Romano Massa confirmed as president | News

“Enthusiasm, dialogue and sharing” are the president’s watchwords

Sardinia Live editorial team

Romano Massa was reconfirmed Regional President by acclamation at the helm of the Sardinian Pro Locos belonging to the Ente Pro Loco Sardegna.

The elective Assembly of the Sardinia Pro Loco Authority was held in the splendid Cineteatro of Sardara, a plebiscite of elective democracy. A packed assembly with over 150 participants who demonstrated enormous energy in the name of the new way of doing Pro Loco.

The meeting was held in two sessions. The morning session addressed issues of planning for the growth of the Authority, for the tourist and cultural promotion of its territories and on social issues. The morning session was attended, among others, by the President of the Regional Council Piero Comandini, the regional councilor Gianluigi Piano, Carla Medau (Chief of Cabinet of the Department of Tourism) and the National President of the Pro Loco Italiane Authority Pasquale Ciurleo.

Elections for the renewal of corporate offices were held in the afternoon session. The outgoing regional president Romano Massa (Uta) was elected by acclamation, as well as the current national vice president of the Italian Pro Loco Association. Elected for the Regional Council were Renato Marongiu (Villasor), Alessandro Pisu (Soleminis), Gioacchino Piseddu (Ortacesus), Carlo Desogus (Pimentel), Gloria Woutina Atzei (Sarroch), Marika Gattus (Masullas), Maria Simona Anedda (Capoterra) , Michela Deiana (Castiadas), Maria Pazienza Dore (Uri) and Ignazio Meloni (Sorgono). The following auditors were elected: Antonio Boi (Ussana), Francesco Sanna (Siamanna) and Daniele Pinna (Sindia).

“Enthusiasm, dialogue and sharing”, these are the words of Romano Massa, satisfied with the outcome of the elections, in his short speech after the vote in which he wished the newly elected members well also with a strong female representation “linking experience and competence in future perspective”.

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