Hello baby, Liguria Region welcomes newborns with a gift package

‘Hello Baby’ is the new initiative of the Liguria Region to offer a free gift package to newborns, provided free of charge by Jesurum Leoni Comunicazione, supported by Amazon. The project will start from next July 15th throughout Liguria.

“This is – explains Angelo Gratarola, Councilor for Health of the Liguria Region – a welcome initiative, with products for early childhood offered free of charge. In the package it will also be possible to find a new guide created by the Liguria Region for families, with the useful tips for dealing with the first months of your child’s life”.

How does it work:

parents of children born on or after 15 July 2024 will receive a welcome letter at the birth centers in Liguria. The letter will contain useful information related to the initiative and a unique and personal code that will allow those who wish to receive a free gift package at home, at the indicated address, with products for early childhood and a guide with useful advice. for the first months of life.

Where the welcome letter will be delivered:

ASL 1, ASL 2, ASL 4 and ASL 5: Obstetrics department

ASL 3: Hospital Medical Management, Villa Scassi Hospital


GALLIERA and GASLINI: Obstetrics Department

What it contains:

the package will contain products for early childhood and a guide for new parents created by the Liguria Region.

The Guide for the new parent:

in the period between conception and two years of age, the foundations are laid for the adequate physical and mental development of your child. Prevention, protection or care interventions carried out promptly in this very early phase of life lead to positive health results in the short, medium and long term. The Guide is a tool that contains many useful tips for the first months of the child’s life.


There are 294 nurses who will be hired with a competition announced by the Policlinico San Martino Hospital for the entire metropolitan area of ​​Genoa. ASL and hospitals have indicated the need, based on which the new hires will be distributed across the territory: 94 San Martino, 149 ASL 3, 22 Galliera, 28 Gaslini, 1 Evangelico. The date of the competition will be set in the next few days.

“The competition – explains councilor Gratarola – will make it possible to cover the needs of the ASL3 and the hospitals. Even if the tender is not directly linked to the start of operations of the Territorial Operations Centres, we know that these hirings will also be functional with respect to the implementation of the provisions of the Pnrr. We therefore continue to strengthen the Ligurian healthcare system which today has 10,600 nurses, 3% more than those employed in 2019. Despite the well-known vocational crisis, we will also be able to count on young graduates: the University of Genoa course is preparing , in the current academic year to graduate approximately 330 new nurses, between the sessions of October/November 2024 and March 2025, in line with the previous academic year”.


The update of the regional framework agreement for the regulation of relationships between local and hospital health companies and the public assistance agencies ANPAS, CIPAS and CRI of 9 February 2010, including the revision of the tariff regime, effective from 1 July 2024 until 31 December 2026, is in force from today. This involves a progressive increase in tariffs relating to emergency and ordinary health transport services gradually over the three-year period 2024/2026. The agreement was signed between the Liguria Region, Alisa, the Italian Red Cross, Anpas Liguria, Misericordie Liguria, Anas Liguria. The update of the training course aimed at EMS rescuers and EMS instructors was also approved.

“This agreement takes into account many aspects of our world – says Nerio Nucci, president of Anpas Liguria – and must be considered the first step of a path together with the issue of training”. “Thanks to everyone’s work, to the availability of the Department of Health and Social Services – highlights the regional vice president of the Italian Red Cross Maurizio Biancaterra – we have reached an agreement that gives oxygen to the associations allowing them to work with greater serenity”. “This is a good agreement for public assistance, the result of a long work, but now we must continue on this path, reasoning for example on the qualified patient” concludes the president of Anas Giuseppe Coniglio.


The Regional Blood Center relaunches the appeal to donate blood and plasma, particularly in the summer period and before the holidays. The so-called blood test in fact detects a deficiency of some blood groups (in particular B- and AB+).

“Requests for blood and plasma increase during this time of year and there is a great need for donors: a simple gesture can save many lives,” says Vanessa Agostini, director of the regional coordination structure for transfusion activities. “2023 was characterized by an increase in donations and supplies. We need to confirm and improve what we did last year, paying particular attention to the blood groups that are most in need. We have created the blood weather forecast, specifically to monitor the groups for which there is a greater need for donor contributions. To improve the quality of the collection, I invite donors to go and donate during the week. Furthermore, it is important to renew the appeal to platelet donors, especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays to ensure the treatment of all patients in preparation for the weekend.”

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