He falls on the rocks and injures his head, a 50-year-old rescues him

1′ reading time
01/07/2024 – Late yesterday afternoon, the Pesaro dock area, near Strada tra i Due Porti, was the scene of an accident involving a man of about 50 years old. The gentleman was trying to walk on the rocks when he slipped, falling heavily and suffering a serious head injury.

The accident occurred around 7:30 p.m., a time when many people were there to enjoy the sunset. Rescue efforts were immediate: emergency vehicles arrived promptly on the scene, including an ambulance from Potes and a team of firefighters. The man, in the fall, ended up between the rocks that delimit the area of ​​the square and the dock, making recovery work necessary to secure him.

Rescuers managed to reach the man and immobilize him on a stretcher. He was then transported to the emergency room of the San Salvatore hospital for the necessary medical care. Fortunately, his condition turned out to be less serious than initially feared, thanks also to the speed and effectiveness of the intervention.

This episode highlights the importance of caution when walking in rocky areas, especially near the sea. The dock, a meeting place for many Pesaro citizens and tourists, from which it is possible to admire the sunset, has once again proven to be an area in which the beauty of the landscape must be enjoyed with the utmost attention to avoid similar accidents.

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