Salerno, book crossing arrives with the “Salerno law” project

Salerno, book crossing arrives with the “Salerno law” project
Salerno, book crossing arrives with the “Salerno law” project

Il book crossing arriva a Salerno. It was presented this morning at Municipality of Salerno, in the Salone del Gonfalone, “Salerno reads”, civic library project, conceived by Rosanna Belladonna and Rosaria Chechile and promoted by Copernicus Foundation, with the patronage of the Municipality of Salerno. In addition to the two creators, the presentation was also attended byand the lawyer Scarpa, vice president of the Copernico Foundation and the city councilor and president of the Culture Commission, Iannelli.

«The initiative – explained the creator Rosanna Belladonna, advisor of the Copernicus Foundation – aims to offer spaces for development and cultural and social growth by creating a network of public and free reading points spread across the city area also integrated with private spaces, such as clinics, waiting rooms, bars, shops and other structures social networks, which together form the fabric of the so-called “widespread civic library”. A project that aims to open a dialogue with the territory to reach readers – in particular families with children – and to promote moments of participation and cultural comparison. The main aim of the project is to increase participation and sharing in the community and between generations. Salerno legge, therefore, is a project with which we intend to encourage the diffusion and sharing of the book heritage of private citizens, associations, organizations and other institutions, public and private, bringing the philosophy of participatory citizenship directly to the places of the community.It’s free , open, inclusive and intends to contribute to the protection of the environment also through the recovery and reuse of old telephone booths, the use of cardboard or recycled plastic shelves, thus creating real “culture points” which are possible thanks to the meeting of different actors, as well as the sharing of resources and skills to contribute to the socio-cultural development of the city community”.
The reference model of the project is the Social civic library which allows institutions to enter into a closer relationship with the territory, encouraging a virtuous exchange of experiences and skills. The library is no longer conceived only as a place of conservation and study but as widespread centers for sharing culture. The Community can thus find places where it can express its skills and needs, otherwise inexpressible, to develop projects in collaboration with institutions and the world of associations. The widespread civic library, which can also be defined as participatory, takes shape through the progressive creation of multiple networks in relation to each other, encouraging the sharing of the book heritage of citizens, associations, organizations and other institutions, public and private, bringing the philosophy of active participation directly into the places of the community. All those who want to become partners of “Salerno legge” can contact the Copernico Foundation to make their spaces available, large or small, where the library can be created.

Book donations will be an important source of supply for the network, the Copernico Foundation in collaboration with the Municipality and all the partners, will organize the selection and distribution of books in physical locations that will be subsequently communicated, also through an app associated with the project, which will be developed by one of the partners. The widespread public library “Salerno legge” can and must become a place with a strong social value that, by promoting meetings between people and spreading the value of reading, grows and, thanks to the participation of all citizens and subjects who will contribute to nourishing it and donating culture, transforms the territory.


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