Uil Viterbo: extraordinary blood collection tomorrow at the headquarters in via Cardarelli

Uil Viterbo: extraordinary blood collection tomorrow at the headquarters in via Cardarelli
Uil Viterbo: extraordinary blood collection tomorrow at the headquarters in via Cardarelli

VITERBO- “Extraordinary blood collection at the Uil headquarters in Viterbo in via Cardarelli 22. Those who donate tomorrow will then receive an invitation to participate in the dinners with the porters at the end of August”. This was declared by the general secretary of the Uil of Viterbo, Giancarlo Turchetti.

Appointment, tomorrow, July 2, at 8 am in via Cardarelli 22. “An equipped and efficient Avis blood truck will be present – ​​explains Turchetti – for an extraordinary blood collection. An initiative that offers the opportunity to all those who wish to donate blood to do so conveniently in the area. During the summer, during the donation phase, electrolyte checks will also be carried out, i.e. sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, and a further complete annual check”.

Also on the occasion of tomorrow’s donation, those who participate will also be given an invitation valid to take part in the Dinners in the square with the porters of Santa Rosa which will take place on the evenings of 27, 28, 29 and 30 August 2024 in the setting of Piazza San Lorenzo.

We remind you that those who enjoy good health, are aged between 18 and 65 and weigh more than 50 kg can donate. For information and reservations, you can contact the number 0761.237394.

Finally, the candidate who presents himself for the first time to donate must provide an identity document and the health card. It is not necessary to be fasting. However, it is recommended to avoid milk and dairy products, while tea, barley, coffee, fruit, fruit juice and dry biscuits are allowed. Upon request, a certificate is also issued that can be given to the employer to obtain a day of rest, or in schools to obtain extracurricular credits.

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