thunderstorms today, worsening again on Wednesday

thunderstorms today, worsening again on Wednesday
thunderstorms today, worsening again on Wednesday

Today Monday moderate instability favored in the afternoon by a disturbance transiting over the Western Mediterranean towards Sardinia and the regions of central Italy“: these are forecast for the Lombardy reported in the usual bulletin of Arpa regional. “Tuesday high altitude flows from the northwest maintain stable conditions at least until the early afternoon, followed by new instability, more marked on the day of Wednesdaywith scattered to widespread precipitation and maximum temperatures significantly decreasing. Thursday conditions will be a bit more stable and temperatures will increase, but between Friday and Saturday there will still be marked variability, especially on the reliefs“.

Today in the late morning local showers or thunderstorms on the Alps and Prealps, in the afternoon in extension and diffusion with more persistent phenomena on the central and eastern lowlands. To the west phenomena attenuating or dying out in the evening.
Temperatures: in the plains maximums between 27 and 30 °C.
Thermal zero: around 3600 meters.
Winds: in the plains weak westerly with some reinforcements in the morning and late evening; in the mountains weak variable, reinforcements from the south on the Apennines and from the north in the evening on the border reliefs.

As for the weather forecast for the day in detail, Tomorrowthe bulletin of Arpa Lombardy reports clear or slightly cloudy skies in the morning with some haze and some thickening, between afternoon and evening progressively increasing coverage, especially on the northern hills and high plain areas.
Precipitation: occasional light rainfall on the Alpine and pre-Alpine mountains from the afternoon, intensifying in the evening, especially on the pre-Alpine area, and probably extending to the high plain areas.
Temperatures: minimum and maximum stationary. In the plains minimums between 18 and 21 °C, maximums between 27 and 30 °C.
Thermal zero: around 3600 meters.
Winds: variable in the morning in the plains and easterly from the afternoon, generally weak with local reinforcements in the early hours and in the evening, mainly northerly in the mountains, locally strong at high altitude.

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