The Cristo Neighborhood Outdoor Gym Turns One with a Positive Balance Sheet.

The Cristo Neighborhood Outdoor Gym Turns One with a Positive Balance Sheet.
The Cristo Neighborhood Outdoor Gym Turns One with a Positive Balance Sheet.

Luca Bottiglieri’s initiative, supported by local sponsors and the Traders’ Association, continues to grow and inspire new proposals.

A Year of Success for the Outdoor Gym in Via Campi

In Alessandria, in the Cristo District, the open-air gym on Via Campi is celebrating its first anniversary with an extremely positive balance. Inaugurated a year ago thanks to the initiative of entrepreneur Luca Bottiglieri, with the support of several sponsors and the Association of Merchants of the Cristo District, the facility has become a point of reference for lovers of sports and the outdoors.

A Winning Project

The completely free outdoor gym attracted hundreds of people, young and old, who were able to use the equipment made available. The Calisthenics Amateur Sports Association, founded and led by Rossi Pier Giulio and Gian Mario Rossi, played a crucial role in promoting and managing the facility, organizing events, competitions and gatherings that actively involved the local community.

Safety and Innovation

The safety of the facility was guaranteed from the beginning thanks to the installation of a video surveillance system, implemented by Tecnoluce and Unicom, which allowed to maintain a safe and controlled environment for all users.

A Commitment to the Community

Enzo Cirimele, President of the Association of Merchants of the Cristo District, expressed great satisfaction with the results achieved in this first year: “Hundreds of people have benefited from it. When Luca told us about his project, we decided to support him right away. Our idea of ​​an association is not only aimed at commercial activities, but also at our community, to generate value for the neighborhood and the city.”

Calisthenics: A Growing Discipline

Calisthenics, a free body strength and resistance sport, is at the heart of the outdoor gym’s activities. The various disciplines, including Skills, Streetlifting and Endurance, offer everyone the opportunity to approach this sport in a healthy and accessible way. “During our events, we are committed to actively involving the local community, we want to share our passion for this sport and inspire others to join us,” says Pier Giulio Rossi.

Future projects

The enthusiasm for the success of this initiative has pushed the Traders Association and the Calisthenics Amateur Sports Association to think about new projects. “We are looking for other sponsors,” concludes Cirimele, “we would like to create other similar structures in the Neighborhood. We are working on it.”


The outdoor gym on Via Campi is a concrete example of how the joint commitment of entrepreneurs, associations and communities can lead to extraordinary results. While celebrating this first year of activity, Quartiere Cristo looks to the future with new projects and initiatives, continuing to promote sports and well-being for all.

For more information and to support upcoming projects, you can contact the Cristo District Traders’ Association and the Calisthenics Amateur Sports Association.

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