From the Guarantor for Children the requests to the new regional council

The Guarantor for childhood and adolescence Carla Puligheddu and the Health Councillor Armando Bertolazzi

Cagliari. This morning the Regional Guarantor for Childhood and Adolescence, Carla Puligheddu, met with the Regional Councilor for Health and Social Policies, Armando Bartolazzi. Many issues were brought to the attention of the Councilor who proved sensitive and available to address them with maximum commitment.

Starting from a request to relaunch social policies such as: the urgency of a precise legal framework for the Plus and related guidelines to be rewritten; transfer of responsibilities of educational services 0-3 to the Department of Education, falling within a national framework of integrated education and training system 0-6 (art. 10 legislative decree 13 April 2017, n. 65); the problem of the costs of reception facilities for minors and mothers with minors who need not only protection spaces but above all psychotherapeutic care and support.

Therefore the socio-health challenges involving minors affected by type 1 diabetes whose onset in Sardinia records the world record in developmental age, with the Guarantor’s request to set up a technical table aimed at signing a new protocol between the Region, the Education Office, Guarantor, associations, scientific community of pediatric diabetology and order of psychologists to be made operational through the implementation of the School/diabetes Project – Psychosocial path for the inclusion of pupils with diabetes in the school environment. Furthermore, in the healthcare sector, the difficulties of making the commissions responsible for the certification of Law 104 functional, in particular relating to autism spectrum disorders (currently blocked), in view of the start of the new school year in September, were illustrated. The same emphasis is given to the pediatric neuropsychiatry clinics in Sardinia which operate in situations of profound stress having to deal with problems relating to adolescence which, beyond the purely healthcare context, require care, support and prolonged hospitalization for behavioral distress, self-harm, addictions, suicidal attempts. All this due to the absolute lack of dedicated care facilities throughout the regional territory.

And then the discovered pediatrics that loom in many areas of the island with the difficulties of children and families. Much attention was paid to the Complex Structure of Paediatrics of Sassari with its numerous critical issues, starting from the shortage of pediatricians and the absence of pediatric surgery, once an excellence of the Sassari healthcare system, which forces our children to travel to helicopter even for a simple appendicitis. Without forgetting Alghero, where the pediatric emergency room closes at 8pm, leaving an essential service completely uncovered throughout the evening, night and early morning, also considering the summer season which has now begun. Added to this is the unacceptable closure of the birth center in Alghero. A right denied to boys and girls to be born in their own city, even though they have all the requirements to do so.

An extremely heavy picture and much more today, during the meeting which the Guarantor defines as very fruitful, thanks to Councilor Bartolazzi’s ability to listen. «I hope that the councilor, having undertaken the commitment to give the priority it deserves to the world of childhood and adolescence, which awaits and which for now has remained unheard, will be able to begin with the resolution, at least of the most urgent but also those that need to be undertaken and which will see future resolutions.”

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