the return of Pride to Cosenza

After six years of absence, Cosenza he re-embraced the Pride with an overwhelming and heartfelt participation. Yesterday, the streets of the city were the scene of a demonstration not only of homosexual pride, but also of reflection and social commitment. In an age where hatred and discrimination seem to be rampant, events like this take on an even deeper meaning.

The Cosenza Pride, which had its last appointment in 2017, is back with force to remind everyone how much there is still to do for LGBTQIA+ rights in Italy. The parade, full of colors and joy, crossed the city streets and then ended in the town square, where important figures of the movement spoke. Alessandra Lucantopresident ofArcigay of CosenzaAnd Natasha Maesinational president of Arcigay, they clearly expressed how much our country is still behind in protecting the rights of homosexual people. They underlined the importance of demonstrations like Pride not only to celebrate, but to demand fundamental rights and denounce the discrimination that still exists.

The mayor of Cosenza, Franz Caruso, enthusiastically expressed the satisfaction of the municipal administration in sponsoring the event, reiterating the strong commitment to the rights of all citizens. His words resonated with those of the many activists present, who shared stories of struggle and hope. Among them, the drag queen venues, who, with their presence and creativity, underlined the important role of art and entertainment in the battle for inclusion and equality.

Yesterday’s event was not just a celebration, but a powerful moment of reflection. The slogans and speeches highlighted the need to continue fighting for a world where everyone can be themselves, regardless of sexual orientation, skin color, religion or nationality. A cry of international solidarity was also raised in the square with the appeal “Free Palestine”, recalling that the fight for human rights knows no borders.

Many tend to see Pride as just a celebration of gay pride, but yesterday’s event proved that it is much more. It is inclusion, it is the reclamation of the right to be oneself without fear, it is a call to freedom and respect for everyone. In a historical period in which personal freedoms are often questioned, Cosenza Pride has forcefully reaffirmed the need to regain and defend these rights.

The event was impeccably organised, with relevant themes and fundamental debates that involved the entire city. Cosenza responded with participation and openness, demonstrating that it is ready to shake up its thinking and move towards a more inclusive and respectful future.

Yesterday’s Pride was an extraordinary event, an explosion of joy and hope, but above all a powerful reminder of the need to respect and value diversity in all its forms. In an Italy that needs to rediscover itself, the message sent from the streets of Cosenza is clear: respect and inclusion must be at the heart of our society.

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