Cosmano and Federico II, the appeal for the two kings… of Trani

Cosmano and Federico II, the appeal for the two kings… of Trani
Cosmano and Federico II, the appeal for the two kings… of Trani

At the beginning of summer, by pure coincidence, we receive two requests, two appeals that we believe deserve notice and disclosure. We make our requests our own and pass them on to the Toponymy Commission of the Municipality of Trani.

On the one hand, the desire to name a street or square after Frederick II, the enlightened king, cultural animator ante litteram, capable of far-sighted reforms, lover of our territory, “homo novus” par excellence, for his open-mindedness and ability to grasp, in Beauty, the aesthetic and functional strength, translated into the monuments that it has left as a legacy to Southern Italy and to our Trani. This first request comes from Daniela Matera, our fellow citizen and mathematics and science teacher at the Baldassarre school, but also a tourist guide and lover of the environment and the scenic and artistic beauties of our territory.

The other “king” of Trani for whom an appeal was made to have a street or square named after him is the footballer Giacomo Cosmano, known as Mimì, a powerful and prolific striker for Trani in its golden age in the 1960s, who passed away in 2004. This time the request to remember him through a concrete act comes from our fellow citizen Sandro Lamia Caputo, son of the great goalkeeper of Trani, who in these difficult times devoid of examples, together with his family, is committed to safeguarding the memory of sporting culture of our city, as a hotbed of references and models of great values ​​and ideals to be taken up again today, especially by the younger generations.

Already years ago Franco Caffarilla, an authoritative journalist working in our area and another custodian of the historical and social memory and culture of Trani, invited the municipal administration to name the stadium after Cosmano but nothing was done. Then the structure, today unfortunately “affected” by a series of vicissitudes which will hopefully now end with the assignment of the new management to the “Soccer Trani” company, would be named after Nicola Lapi, former municipal councilor and leading figure in Trani sport, passed away prematurely.
While waiting for feedback from the municipal administration for the two appeals from our fellow citizens, we once again appeal to the sensitivity of the members of the Toponymy Commission to take action to start the process foreseen for the respective titles.

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