University of Trento at the top for employment: 8 out of 10 already have a job one year after graduation

University of Trento at the top for employment: 8 out of 10 already have a job one year after graduation
University of Trento at the top for employment: 8 out of 10 already have a job one year after graduation

OfMatteo Sannicolò

The 2024 Almalaurea Report, which every year disseminates data relating to the results in terms of employment of new Italian graduates

The University of Trento confirms itself above the Italian average regarding the employment of its graduates. This is what emerges from Almalaurea 2024 report, which every year disseminates data relating to the results in terms of employment of new Italian graduates. «We are above the Italian average in strategic indicators such as internationalisation, regularity in studies and the employment rate after graduationwhich for second level graduates is 80.1% one year after graduation (compared to 75.7% in Italy) and 90.3% after five years (compared to 88.2%) », comments the rector Flavio Deflorian.

The occupation

The analysis of occupational performance is concentrated on 7,204 graduates of the University of Trento, who obtained their degree (three-year or master’s degree) in 2022 or master’s degree in 2018. They were asked about the type of employment they have and their intentions for the future.
Of the 1,922 three-year graduates involved, 76.5% intend to continue with a master’s degree and, in fact, after one year 75.6% are still enrolled at university. As regards those who chose not to continue their studies after the three-year degree, it emerges that the employment rate it is equal to 75.4% one year after the qualification, while the unemployed are 6.8%. Among those employed, 22.6% continue the job they already had before graduation, 16.5% have changed it, while 60.9% started working after obtaining the qualification. The majority of employed people has a fixed-term contract (32.9%) but there are not many more than those who have a permanent contract (31.9%). 6.5% are self-employed. 14.9% of employed people work part-time. The average monthly salary is 1,400 euros net.

Master’s graduates

As regards master’s degrees, 1,882 were contacted one year after graduation (of which 443 were single cycle). On average, 80.1% of people are employed (against the Italian average of 75.7%) – also considering the paid training. But it drops to 69.7% for those who have obtained a single-cycle degree. The unemployment rate is on average 6.7% (and drops to 5.5% for the single cycle). 15% continue the job they started before graduation and 67.9% started working after obtaining their degree. 28% have a permanent contract, while 23.1% have a fixed-term contract. 5.6% carry out their own business. Part-time work it involves 9% of employed people, while the average monthly salary, one year after the two-year master’s degree, is 1,578 euros net. The average is lowered, once again, by those who have a single-cycle degree, which they obtain 1,233 euros per month one year after the title. Finally, the employment rate rises to 90.3% for master’s graduates five years after graduation (against the Italian average of 88.2%). Conversely, unemployment drops to 3.5%. In this case the majority of those interviewed have a permanent contract (57.5%), while those employed with a fixed-term contract are 12.8%. 19.5% carry out their own business.


The average monthly salaries among two-year and single-cycle master’s degrees are in line and around 1,937 euros net. 71.1% of them are employed in the private sector, 24.3% in the public sector and 4.7% in the third sector. Services absorb 74.4%, industry 24% and agriculture 0.8%. For the five-year surveys, 1,672 were contacted (of which 424 were single cycle).

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