Mayor Caruso receives the Cosenza student ambassadors of the UN Glass Palace

Mayor Caruso receives the Cosenza student ambassadors of the UN Glass Palace
Mayor Caruso receives the Cosenza student ambassadors of the UN Glass Palace

COSENZA – The Mayor Franz Caruso received at Palazzo dei Bruzi the students from Cosenza who, at the end of an educational path, were ambassadors in the UN Glass Palace Benedetta Bartolomeo, Ginevra Formoso, Alessandra Pisano, Giovanni Formoso and Roberta Sgambellone. These are the names of the “magnificent 5” students from the schools of Cosenza and the province who had the great opportunity, provided by their schools (the “Fermi” Scientific High School and the “Bernardino Telesio” High School of Cosenza and the ITAS-ITC institute of Rossano and Bocchigliero) to become young ambassadors of the United Nations.

For a week they had a unique experience inside the UN Glass Building in New York. Mentor and coordinator of this group of kids is Professor Rosanna Garofalo who led them by the hand, giving them the satisfaction of making their voice heard in front of the UN delegates. This morning the five students were received at Palazzo dei Bruzi, in the municipal council room, by Mayor Franz Caruso and the President of the City Council Giuseppe Mazzuca, also in the presence of the Mayor’s delegate for Culture, Antonietta Cozza who was the trait d’union with Professor Garofalo.

“I am proud – said Mayor Franz Caruso – to continue along this path of institutional synergies that link the municipal administration to all the public and private institutions of our territory. Today they are even more so, because in this council room there are not only some schools of Cosenza, but also the province. I have always maintained – Franz Caruso stated – that Cosenza must regain its role as capital city, without exercising selfishness, but showing all its altruism towards a territory that has important peculiarities. Having here today, in addition to the representation of the schools, also the Municipality of Bocchigliero with its Mayor, representing one of the realities of our Sila hinterland, fills me with joy”. Franz Caruso then congratulated the UN youth ambassadors for the important experience gained in the United States.

“You have developed – underlined Mayor Franz Caruso – a unique experience and achieved an important goal. Due credit must be given to the person who led this “expedition” to the United Nations, Professor Garofalo, who must be proud of what she did. For me too, Mayor of the capital city, there is great satisfaction at the conclusion of this journey of yours.” And still addressing the students, who were given the final certificates of the path followed, he added: “you have increased your experience and knowledge through direct participation in the UN commissions inside the Glass Palace and the most significant fact is that the suggestions that came from you were accepted by the members of the United Nations commissions.

This is also a good signal that projects you into the future, into the geopolitics that is important to know and interpret. The educational and training path, continuing with this commitment and dedication, can only lead you to increasingly higher results.” Finally, the Mayor also thanked the parents of the students “because – he said – families also play an important role and represent an irreplaceable point of reference for the education, not only professional, but above all civic of the children”. Before the Mayor, the President of the Municipal Council Giuseppe Mazzuca spoke, for whom “today is one of the most beautiful pages written by our institution which has focused a lot on culture and education”. “What you have achieved is truly important and you are truly the sentinels of the future – added the Mayor’s delegate for Culture Antonietta Cozza. Before the direct testimony of the experience at the United Nations came directly from the five students, the path followed was explained by coordinator of the “Future we Want Modern United Nations” project Rosanna Garofalo.

“A journey of communicative and interpersonal challenge – said Garofalo -. I am proud to be a partner, but also an ambassador of the Italian Academy for training and higher international studies and the boys gave me deep emotions. The Academy gives them the opportunity, after the educational-training course that lasts several months, to get to a real week-long simulation within the United Nations. The interesting thing – added Professor Garofalo – is that in the UN General Assembly they were welcomed by the delegates of the United Nations and had the opportunity to interact with them, explaining their vision in the areas in which they were called to express themselves. This is the beauty of the challenge we have undertaken within the school network. Thanks to the educational and didactic journey undertaken, the kids acquired vision and open-mindedness that only those who have managed to interface with the outside world can have.”

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