Trapani, the date already set to celebrate football and basketball successes

Trapani, the date already set to celebrate football and basketball successes
Trapani, the date already set to celebrate football and basketball successes

The “Granata Party” it will be the extraordinary party organized by Sport Invest to celebrate the end of the sports season and celebrate the successes of FC Trapani 1905 and Trapani Shark. An event capable of involving the entire Trapani hinterland with music and entertainment. As promised last August 30th, president Valerio Antonini and his entourage put on an evening to experience at the “Provinciale” stadium.
The “Party Granata” will be held on Thursday 13 June at 9.00 pm. Presenting the evening – which will see both teams on stage and the display of all the trophies won – will be the famous presenter Barbara D’Urso And Francesco Facchinetti. Followed by the concert Elettra Lamborghini who together with the dance troupe will give life to a great evening of entertainment.
A few hours before the show, exactly at 7.30 pm, two open-top buses with both teams will tour the city and then arrive at the “Provinciale” stadium.

This is the route:
* ⁠Shovel Shark
* ⁠Via Ilio
* ⁠Via Ammiraglio Staiti
* ⁠Viale Regina Elena
* ⁠Viale Duca D’Aosta
* ⁠Via Cristoforo Colombo to the Lazzaretto and back
* ⁠Via Mazzini
* ⁠Via Fardella south
* Via Orti
* ⁠Via Madonna di Fatima
* ⁠Via Cesarò
* ⁠“Provincial” Stadium.

These, however, are the prices to attend the evening:
– Stands (any sector) 23 euros
– Lawn 15 euros
– VIP area 40 euros

All the information for purchasing tickets will be defined and communicated shortly.

Press Office FC Trapani 1905

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