In the province of Pavia there is one of the most fascinating Renaissance historic centers in Italy: there are some things you can’t miss

In LomellinaLombardy, it is possible to be completely captivated by a fascinating city that combines history and modernity. TO 38 km from Paviaon the right bank of the Ticino river, Vigevano is locateda jewel that radiates light and an atmosphere of times gone by with one of the most fascinating Renaissance historic centers in Italy. With the marvelous Piazza Ducale, the hidden streets, the majestic Sforzesco Castle, it knows how to combine modernity with the most ancient symbols, hosting museums and the most varied events, conquering everyone from every perspective.

Discovering Piazza Ducale: the beating heart of Vigevano

They livedin the province of Pavia is a wonderful Renaissance city hidden in the heart of Lombardy. It contains extraordinary historical monuments. Its origins lead back to the Lombards, but only with the Visconti and Sforza families who lived in Vigevano reached their maximum splendor. It was Ludovico Sforza himself, said “The Moor”who wanted the marvelous Renaissance square: Ducal Square. The square was built between 1492 and 1494 based on a design by Leonardo da Vinci and Bramante. In the past it was occupied by merchants’ shops while currently it is the center of social life in Vigevano. Bars and restaurants have been replaced under its arcades as an alternative to the ancient shops. One side of the square is occupied by the majestic façade of the Vigevano Cathedral, that is, the cathedral of Sant’Ambrogio in baroque style. Inside, richly decorated, many masterpieces not to be missed.

The square of beauties: from the Cathedral to the Castle

The Duomo is the protagonist of the square, but its appearance has changed over time, especially its facade. What we see today in Ludovico’s period “The Moor” it did not exist, there was a staircase and the baroque façade was absent. The latter, in 1680, to make the square harmonious, was designed and built by Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz, who also eliminated the ramp. From that moment on, it took the name of “Duomo Square”. The Vigevano Cathedral is famous for its treasure composed of manuscripts, precious chalices and vestments of notable value, including the vestment that Pope Pius VII used for the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte. From one of the most beautiful squares in Italy, through the Bramante tower you arrive at the Visconteo-Sforzesco Castle. Wanting to enjoy the splendid panorama over the whole city and the square it is possible to climb the tower. Inside, richly decorated, many masterpieces not to be missed.

The Sforzesco Castle in Vigevano: from noble residence to military headquarters

The Sforzesco Castle in Vigevano is a group of buildingswhich occupies an enormous surface area and is considered one of the largest complexes in Europewith its 70 thousand internal square meters and 36 thousand square meters of courtyard. Ducal Palace it is one of these buildings, which can only be visited with a guide. Its halls with frescoed walls are admirable, where illustrious people and kings received hospitality at the time. Furthermore, always with a guide, you can see the seven rooms said “prisons”, a curiosity are the writings left by the prisoners. The Castle, initially created for defensive purposes in the Lombard era, became a noble residence first of the Visconti family and then of the Sforza family at the behest of Luchino Visconti. Subsequently, it passed into the hands of the Spanish and after a period of abandonment, it became a military headquarters first with the Austrians then with the Sardinian army and finally with the Italian ones, it remained a military headquarters until 1968. The month of May offers the opportunity to admire the Castle in a different guiseis present until May 31st the Vigevano Art Biennial every day from 10:00 to 19:00.

The Museums of the Sforzesco Castle

Still inside the Sforzesco Castle, they are There are 4 museums, the National Archaeological Museum of Lomellina, the Civic Art Gallery, the International Footwear Museum, the Leonardiana. To start, you can’t miss a visit to National Archaeological Museum of Lomellina, archaeological finds recovered during excavations in the Lomellino area are collected here. Vigevano, known for its shoe production, could not fail to create an unusual and fun museum “Pietro Bertolino” dedicated to footwear to celebrate the evolution of the shoe from its origins to the present day, here you can also find the Pianella which seems to have belonged to Beatrice d’Este. Curious to know that precisely a The stiletto heel was born in Vigevano in 1953. There Civic Art Gallery “Casimiro Ottone” in its 10 rooms it exhibits sections belonging to the frescoes of the Piazza Ducale from the 16th and 17th centuries. For all lovers of Leonardo Da Vinci and technology, Vigevano has also created a technological museum since 2016 the Leonardiana which through the virtual world explains the drawings, codes and all 26 paintings created by Leonardo Da Vinci.

They lived beyond Piazza Ducale

Vigevano is an art treasure, history and life which, at certain moments, makes us forget the year we are in despite the process of change having led to many transformations in buildings and squares, compared to past eras. However, new constructions and modern buildings do not distract attention from its historical beauties as the Church of San Francesco, one of the oldest churches in the city, dating back to the 14th century. Its red facade in contrast with the sky does not suggest the wonders that lie inside. Once inside, you are fascinated by the structure and, above all, by the details: frescoes, gold decorations and columns with orange and beige stripes. Leaving behind the majestic castles and ancient churches, a Vigevano is home to the wonderful Mulino di Mora Bassa. Having become a museum after its redevelopment in 2000, the mill offers the opportunity to admire some working models of Leonardo’s machines, all immersed in nature.

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