In Spello a weekend dedicated to stand-up comedy, dance and music with Strabismi

In Spello a weekend dedicated to stand-up comedy, dance and music with Strabismi
In Spello a weekend dedicated to stand-up comedy, dance and music with Strabismi

Stand-up comedy, dance, theater and live music. The Strabismi festival is in its tenth edition and, after having taken place over the years in Foligno, Cannara and Assisi, this year Spello will host the initiative, scheduled from today (Friday 24 May) until Sunday 26 May. There are three locations: the “Subasio” theater, the Bonci garden bar and the “Il Beericcio” pub. The initiative, organized by the Strabismi cultural association, aims, through the continuous search for young and original works, both to help the many artists who deserve greater support and visibility but also to bring the public closer to the theatre.

“We have come from very difficult years – explains Alessandro Sesti, artistic director of Strabismi – which probably would have pushed many to abandon the organization of Strabismi Festival. After a transitory year in Assisi, we were welcomed by Fontemaggiore Teatro at the ‘Subasio’ in Spello and even if our restart will be hard and will take time, we won’t give up. Being welcomed with this listening and availability by Fontemaggiore Teatro, directed by Beatrice Ripoli, was a wonderful feeling. I would like to share – he continues – a particular aspect that hides behind all this. As you probably know, unfortunately, Stefano Cipiciani, the historic director of Fontemaggiore, passed away on February 9th. Stefano did with me what we try to do with young emerging realities that have not yet found the attention of the great Italian theaters and festivals; Strabismi tries to be that springboard that puts artists struggling with their first theatrical productions in contact with those interlocutors who have the possibility of putting them in a position to best express their artistic vision, just as Fontemaggiore does for example, but also Spazio Zut and the entire Risonanze Network network. Thinking – he concludes – of holding the tenth edition of the festival in the same theater where Stefano wanted to host one of my shows for the first time, creates a mixture of emotions that are difficult to explain, but makes me feel lucky and honoured”.

Getting to the heart of the program, both days of Friday 24 May and Saturday 25 May will open, at 5.30 pm at the Bonci garden bar, with “StraComedy” a selection of stand-up comedy shows with Sebastiano Ragni, Stephany Aiello, Mattia Rellini, Simone Pacini, Filippo Maistrello, Edoardo Palumbo and Andrea Pigliaaiuto. Also on Friday, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, there will be a meeting with the artist Rebecca Righetti at the Bonci garden bar. While, in the same time slot, but on Saturday 25 May, the students of the Expressive Reading course, led by Andrea Volpi, will stage a reading resulting from the path they have developed. For the evening of Friday 24 May, at 9.15pm, the “Subasio” theater will be the backdrop to the theater show “Cade la neve figurati io” by Rebecca Righetti. Friday will end at 11pm with a concert by singer-songwriter Micheal Venturini at the “Il Beericcio” pub. Scheduled for Saturday 25th, in addition to “StraComedy”, an appointment with the dance show “The old man” by the Nanouk collective at the theater. The evening will end once again at the “Beericcio”, this time with live music by the singer-songwriter Piscibaua. Sunday 26 May appointment at 6pm at the “Subasio”, with the show “Shrimps” by the Lenti al Contatto Company. A project that arrives in Umbria for the first time after being among the four selected in the “Clothes of your skin” call promoted by the La Sapienza University of Rome, with the tutoring of the Ubu prize winner Andrea Cosentino and Guido Di Palma.

Strabismi, as well as being a cultural association, is also a founding member of Risonanze, a national network born from the collaboration of various entities with the aim of enhancing the new generations of spectators and artists of contemporary theatre. A responsibility that strabismi concretely carries forward, in fact, just after the conclusion of the Strabismi Festival, the Subasio Theater in Spello will also host the “Spring Festival – Strabimbi” initiative. Initiative which will be staged on 27, 28 and 29 May in three mornings dedicated to theater organized by the Istituto Comprensivo Bevagna-Cannara and the Strabismi association thanks to the “Dire Fare Teatro” project with the support of the Ministry of Culture and SIAE, as part of the “Per Chi Crea” program.

For more information and reservations contact (via Whatsapp or telephone) 3476084020 – 3288695458, or send an email to [email protected].

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