Reggio Calabria names the small square Viale Galilei in memory of the footballer Umberto Babuscia: founder of one of the first football schools for children

Reggio Calabria names the small square Viale Galilei in memory of the footballer Umberto Babuscia: founder of one of the first football schools for children
Reggio Calabria names the small square Viale Galilei in memory of the footballer Umberto Babuscia: founder of one of the first football schools for children

The municipal administration named the small square on Viale Galilei after Umberto Babuscia from Reggio, which the community of the Rione Ferrovieri Pescatori has looked after for some time. At the ceremony were the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà, the city councilors Antonino Zimbalatti, who had already promoted the process for the naming for some time, and Franco Barreca, the president of the Toponymy Commission Domenico Cappellano, together with the family members of Umberto Babuscia and many residents of the populous neighborhood in the southern area.

Babuscia was a talented young footballer, always close to the problems of the neighborhood who, together with his cousin of the same name, had founded one of the first football schools for children. A great Amaranth fan, he died prematurely in a car accident in Colleferro in 1988, while he was going to follow a Reggina away match.

The mayor recalled that the Ferrovieri Pescatori district has a football and sporting soul and has also found a reason for social redemption in football. A neighborhood that will continue to live through his children who honored him, loved him and raised his name together with that of Reggio and Reggina. The mayor then reiterated how citizens’ commitment can help the municipal administration in reporting things that are wrong or development projects for the neighborhood.

Belonging is the sense that must be cultivated because it makes one feel part of the same family, of a community, not only with material things but by recovering the memory, the memory of those who, like Umberto Babuscia, felt they belonged to this city.

Zimabalatti then remembered the other talented footballers whose birthplace dates back to the Pescatori district: from Pino Calabrò, Pino Praticò to Nanà Germoleo, Mimmo Tripepi, all names who brought prestige to the city.
The next steps announced by the mayor and concerning the square are the possibility of creating a mural on the wall of the square, which is available to private individuals, and of placing rides for the little ones.

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