Newton high school in Chivasso is going strong: on the podium at Mad for Science, winning 30,000 euros

Newton high school in Chivasso is going strong: on the podium at Mad for Science, winning 30,000 euros
Newton high school in Chivasso is going strong: on the podium at Mad for Science, winning 30,000 euros

«Students always ask us to go to the laboratory but we don’t have the resources for everyone. So, I thought I’d let them participate in the competition Mad for Science. And we won 30 thousand euros.” There is emotion in the words of Sara Gnavi, science teacher at the Newton scientific high school in Chivasso (To).

Together with her boys she went to the Ogr in Turin to present a scientific project they have been working on since September. In fact, right at the beginning of the year, the 3G and 3I classes decided to participate in the competition promoted by the Diasorin foundation.

Partly to test yourself, partly to have fun, partly for the prize up for grabs. With third place in the ranking, Newton high school was awarded 30 thousand euros, to invest in its school laboratories. Of this sum, 20 thousand euros will arrive immediately, while the other 10 thousand will be distributed over the next 5 years. «Resources that we will use to purchase instruments and reagents for microbiology» explains Newton manager Vincenza Tascone.
Mad for Science it is a challenge that brings high schools and technical institutes from all over Italy into play. The participating classes present a project on the topic of biotechnology. You can choose between red (related to medicine), white (industrial processes) and yellow (food). You have to work hard, do experiments in the laboratory and shoot original films to present the project. But the prize money is tempting: 200 thousand euros in total for the 8 finalist classes. To be invested in the modernization of your laboratory.
«We didn’t expect to even get to the final. Much less third in the standings. Last year we didn’t even pass the first selections” says Professor Gnavi, incredulous. The Newton students have chosen to delve into microbiology. As? Reproducing an intestinal mucosa inside a test tube. To see the effects of third generation probiotics on the intestinal bacterial flora. Quite a challenge. So much so that the school asked for help Department of Biotechnology of the University of Turin, which participated in the project. The boys worked hard. Theoretical lessons in the morning, working groups in the afternoon. There were those who took care of the experiments in the laboratory, those who coordinated the video shooting, those who organized the presentation of the project.
Four more hours a week, with stringent deadlines set by the school. «Participation was not mandatory, but there were those who worked even more than the minimum necessary» explains Gnavi. For her, the most difficult challenge was the involvement of all the students. «Many didn’t believe we could reach the final-she says. When it happened, they were thrilled.”
This morning There will be five boys and girls from the two classes presenting the project. While returning by train from Turin, Giulia, one of the away students, reflects: «It’s one of the best experiences of high school. I will remember it.” Her classmate Sabrina, sitting next to her, breathes a sigh of relief: «The hardest part? Think about all the variables. And organize the work.” Now it’s done.

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