A2 F – Cosma Vela Ancona in the water on Sunday against Orobica, the match that counts for A1

Published May 24, 2024Posted in: A2 Women, Evidence, Serie A2

It’s game 2 of the playoff final and is scheduled for next Sunday at 2.30 pm at the Saline swimming pool in Senigallia between Cosma Vela Ancona and Rari Nantes Orobica of Bergamo. Coach Milko Pace’s Dorians won game 1 in Lombardy a week ago 12-7 and face the second challenge ready to close the series (best of three games) which is worth a place in the next A1 series. The goal is close, within reach, concrete, achievable and Altamura and her teammates know they can achieve it on Sunday. The Cosmics have been back training in the Passetto pool for a week now, so it was finally a week of work for them in ideal conditions to best face this event which, despite the score from the first leg, does not seem to be taken for granted at all: the Orobica, in fact, probably paid the price of not being used to these finals, while Cosma knows them well, given that last year they lost game 3 of the final against Locatelli and began these playoffs more determined than ever. «We spent an almost ideal week – says the Dorico coach, Milko Pace –, we trained adequately every day, even in Senigallia since we will play there, with the last training session at Passetto, a positive week, the adrenaline rises like the tension, but rightly so. I expect a match that will be a true final, a match in which episodes will make the difference, in which we must never give up. If we have the same desire, attitude and concentration as last Sunday we can do well. There is an important goal to reach and it will also be a moment of growth and improvement for our entire group.”

Giuseppe Poli
Sailing Swimming press office Ancona
Photo: the girls of Cosma Vela Ancona

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