Around the world in 80 children with the imagination of Massimo Baraldi

Around the world in 80 children with the imagination of Massimo Baraldi
Around the world in 80 children with the imagination of Massimo Baraldi

CAMPOBASSO – A world where borders become only points of reference and a sky where you can express your freedom, astride the clouds. This is the idea of ​​the world of the writer Massimo Baraldi, who inaugurates the twenty-second edition of I’ll tell you a book Childhood, the parallel project dedicated to the little ones of I’ll tell you a book 2024, the permanent laboratory on reading and narration – promoted and created by Municipality of Campobasso and the Italian Readers’ Union, with the artistic and organizational direction of Brunella Santoli and the patronage of the Province of Campobasso and the Molise Chamber of Commerce.

Writer and translator, on the mornings of Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 May, Baraldi will be a guest in some primary schools of the capital to lead the children on an exciting tour of the world entrusted to children from different countries, protagonists of Around the World in 80 Children – 40 girls and as many boys. It is a book that promotes an idea of ​​a contemporary world in which borders are references and not limits, distance is an abstraction and we are all connected to each other by the thread of our humanity. Forty couples of Ambassadors, all aged 6-8 years and representing as many countries, express their idea of ​​sun, moon and clouds, here reproduced in the form of a micro-story freely elaborated respecting the suggested images.

The three proposed elements are familiar regardless of skills, knowledge and social group to which they belong: relating different identities through common experiences is useful for cultivating the concept of inclusion, the universality of children’s language conveys a comparison between cultures free from stereotypes and prejudices. Furthermore, the complementarity of girl-boy voices aims to spread a culture of differences capable of stimulating an imaginary of equality.

On the afternoon of Monday 27 May the author will again be in the company of young readers, for Fables at a snack, scheduled at 4.30 pm in the Mondadori bookshop in via Pietrunto in Campobasso. The event confirms itself as one of the most awaited by children and families, recording high levels of participation. As per tradition, the meeting will end with a tasty snack to share all together.

To participate in Favole a snack, booking is essential by sending an email to [email protected], or by contacting the number 351 8585126. Participation is free. The appointments with I’ll tell you a book Childhood will resume in autumn with Fuad Aziz, Paolo Rinaldi, Giorgia Berardinelli, Alessandro Rivola and Alessandro Riccioni ready to welcome the little ones starting from October, for a season full of stories, tales and lots and lots of imagination .

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