Piscina Manara, ATS: «Serious critical issues». The mayor orders Forus to intervene urgently

Piscina Manara, ATS: «Serious critical issues». The mayor orders Forus to intervene urgently
Piscina Manara, ATS: «Serious critical issues». The mayor orders Forus to intervene urgently

BUSTO ARSIZIO – There is no peace for the Manara swimming pool. A few days before Forus’s farewell, set for June 1st, he arrives an ordinance from the mayor Emanuele Antonelli which imposes on the current manager of the plant closing the small tubfollowing an inspection of the NAS and ATS, e a slew of accommodation interventions and resolution of the “hygiene-health critical issues” that emerged from the checks.

The NAS inspection

The order dates back to yesterday, May 23, and is addressed to the pool manager, the Spanish company Forus. The mayor orders «a urgent intervention to remove the critical issues» reported, «with context safe restoration of places and systems». The ordinance is the immediate response of the municipal administration of Busto Arsizio to the communication from ATS Insubria on the results of the “inspection of 14 May last by the NAS inspectors and ATS technical staff», from which a series of hygienic-health critical issues emerged in the via Manara plant.

The closures

The most sensational concerns the small 12 meter pool: the inspection identified “obvious water leaks in the plant engineering part” but also, in the relevant compensation tank, the “presence of sand on the bottom, suspensions of flaking from the plaster and impurities of various kinds”. Here because the ordinance requires its closure until the critical issues are remedied. Also to be closed «all environments without natural ventilation served by system no. 2» for air treatment, «until its operation is restored and certified by qualified technical personnel».

Urgent interventions

But it didn’t end here. The mayor’s ordinance requires “heal within five days» a series of critical issues that make the system unsafe: come on dirty ventilation filters at the entrances to the damaged or non-functioning pools, up to the most sensational, «the paddles of the only defibrillator have expired» in addition to the “absence” of pediatric ones. And the list of renovation works to be carried out “within and no later than 5 days and, in any case, no later than the release date of the system» for a whole series of shortcomings (damaged grates, rusty steps, an abandoned bin with the chlorine remover, peeling plaster, non-functioning sanitary ware, missing tiles, even cobwebs and spontaneous vegetation near the 25 meter pool) which denote the evident state of abandonment of the structure.

It is discussed in the sports commission

In a week, will Forus, already under investigation by the Busto Arsizio prosecutor’s office for fraud, do its duty or will it run away leaving everything as it is? Meanwhile, the Manara case will once again be discussed in the sports commission: President Orazio Tallarida convened the session, invoked by the opposition to clarify, for next June 3rd. After Forus leaves the pool.

bust arsizio swimming pool manara ordinance – MALPENSA24
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