Frassinelle’s minirugby is confirmed at the Treviso tournament

TREVISO – The 44th Treviso minirugby tournament held in the beautiful Ghirada facilities ended with great satisfaction for the young people Yellow-blue cockerels from Frassinelle. The most important tournament of the season, which began on Saturday morning with the qualifying rounds, then continued in the afternoon with the semi-final rounds. The finals for the final placings took place on Sunday morning.

Once again the little roosters achieved great satisfaction by always being competitive, exceeding all expectations. They were exemplary in their commitment, perhaps even going beyond their strength, concluding this intense two exhausting days.

It should be underlined that in Treviso the parents also organized a great third half, full of celebration, fun and socialisation, even deserving the “Stiga Green Award Company Award” offered by the organization for the most “tidy and clean” stand.

They were certainly two intense, tiring and above all unforgettable days for everyone.

“Those who have never participated in the Mickey Mouse Tournament cannot understand what it means to experience the charm and emotion of two intense days of good Rugby: a mixture of colours, voices of children and adults of all ages, music and sounds, hugs and handshakes between players, in short everything that real Rugby brings with it.” These are the words of the educators ofUnder 8 Angela Casali, Daniele Ballani and Daniel Aggio.

To then conclude “With the Treviso Tournament, this long and intense year of activity came to an end where in these nine months we have been able to see the constant growth of all the little cockerels in this category, thanks above all to the continuous participation in training and the great work of everyone with the aim of having fun. We educators are very happy with the technical level achieved, the results obtained and the trust demonstrated.”

Taking to the field were: Arzenton A., Basra H., Bergamasco Davide, Bergamasco Diego, Bianchini I., Cappello M., Corra’ L., Foglia J., Segradin G..

The educators of the school are also satisfiedUnder 10 Agostini Vincenzo, Juri Rizzi and Renzo Incanuti for the unexpected seventh place finish: “We are very proud of our boys for the great determination and grit shown on the pitch, playing as a team and helping each other in every situation. We reached the final round where we faced physically superior and more structured teams, but this doesn’t stop us from being very proud of what our boys have achieved, confirming all the progress since the beginning of the year!”.

They played: Abino A., Agostini T., Chiarion N., Corrain G., Destro L., Gatti L., Marchetto E., Brian M., Paron T., Pinato E., Pinato S., Stecca E. , Plate R..

“My boys were really good. After finishing the morning undefeated, in the afternoon the tiredness and quality of the opponents made themselves felt. Despite some defections that didn’t allow us the right changes, the boys never gave up. They were exemplary from every point of view and as the difficulties increased the boys demonstrated moral strength, commitment, sense of team and without letting themselves be discouraged they were always up to the competition. We are all proud of what we have done not only this weekend but since the beginning of the season.”. This is the comment of the coaches ofUnder 12 Cristiano Villa and Morgan Cecchetto.

Who played: Ferracini E., Franco A., Mantovani A., Turolla M., Dardani M., Zerbinati E., Paluello P., Ferro M., Melarato K. and Basra D..

The previous weekend it was the turn ofUnder 14 play the Treviso tournament where unfortunately the managers Sergio Malaman, Denis Zanconato, Andrea Pasquin and Andrea Malaman had to deal with some important absences.

The many kids in their first year in the category were not able to approach the event with the right mental approach, appearing excited and therefore perhaps short of ideas.

Despite everything, the wealth of experience accumulated in the Tournament will serve to grow and mature in anticipation of the next sporting year. A subpar weekend does not disqualify the good season of the category which ended in a constant crescendo. Congratulations from the coaches, the club and the parents go to all of them.

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