Argav-Enpaia. Geri (Carabinieri Tutela Lavoro): gangmaster, in 2023 in Veneto 17 investigative activities and 1,251 inspection visits

In 2023the Carabinieri Group for the Protection of Work of Venice carried out, in the 4 regions of competence: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Marche; 3,516 inspections were carried out on the same number of companies and for 917 (26%) orders were issued suspending business activities for serious violations of safety in the workplace or for “illegal work”. 10,533 workers were identified, of which 1,930 (18.3%) were found to be irregular and 1,020 (9.7%) were found to be employed “off the books”. Responsibilities relating to safety violations emerged against 1,500 employersof workers in the workplace. 54 activities to combat gangmastering were developed with 73 people referred to the Judicial Authority for labor exploitation (art. 603 bis of the Criminal Code) and 444 exploited workers identified.

In the Veneto region, 1,251 inspections were carried out at companies and 384 (30.7%) companies were issued suspension of business activities for serious safety violations or “undeclared work”. During the checks, 3,754 workers were identified, of which 635 (16.9%) were found to be irregular and 378 (10%) were employed “off the books”. Responsibilities relating to violations of worker safety in the workplace emerged against 600 employers. In the fight against gangmastering, 17 investigative activities were developed which allowed 28 people to be referred to the Judicial Authority and 187 workers employed in conditions of labor exploitation to be identified.

The Carabinieri Group for the Protection of Work of Venice – reported the Lieutenant Colonel Umberto Geri – in addition to ccompetence over the Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna and Marche Regions through 24 NILs established at provincial level and an Operational Unit stationed in Venice, supervises, exclusively, the execution of the laws regarding:

essential levels of services concerning civil and social rights and the protection of employment relationships and social legislation, wherever work is carried out;

application of legislation relating to health and safety in the workplace, interposition and intermediation of labour, employment of protected categories, protection of the work of children and adolescents, for the protection and support of maternity and paternity and for the fight against the illicit employment of non-EU workers and the phenomenon of gangmaster.

The command of the Carabinieri for the Protection of Work is in Rome. It represents the oldest species compartmenttolity of the Carabinieri and is currently commanded by Brigadier General Antonio Bandiera.

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