The General Assembly of Amnesty International Italy will be held in Ravenna, from 31 May to 2 June

The General Assembly of Amnesty International Italy will be held in Ravenna, from 31 May to 2 June
The General Assembly of Amnesty International Italy will be held in Ravenna, from 31 May to 2 June

It will take place in Ravenna from Friday 31 May to Sunday 2 June, at the Grand Hotel Matteithe thirty-ninth General Assembly of Amnesty International Italy.

The works will begin at 2pm on May 31st and, after the inaugural and institutional greetings, will continue behind closed doors until 1pm on June 2nd.

They will participate in the General Assembly further 270 delegates and individual members, who will approve the report of the Steering Committee and the other bodies appointed by the assembly and the final budget for 2023, will vote on motions on various issues relating to work on human rights and will elect the presidency of the fortieth General Assembly.

They will take place during the General Assembly seminars on the conflict in the Middle East, climate justice and the right to protest. They will participate, in presence or online, numerous peopleincluding the activists of “KlimaSeniorinnen” (Elders for the climate) Norma Bargetzi-Horisberger and Bruna Molinari; Yousef Hamdounaproject coordinator of the Italian NGO Educaid; Ludovico Basili of Repression Observatory; and, a year after the flood, Enrico Piani, coordinator of Ravenna flood committees. The activist and former prisoner of conscience will also speak online for the opening greetings Patrick Zaki.

Saturday 1st June Riccardo Cucchi, president of the Sport and human rights award, will award the recognition for the current year.

Also on Saturday 1st June, at 8pm, in Piazza del Popolo, participants in the General Assembly will take part in a flash mob to denounce the repression of the right to peaceful protest in Italy and in the rest of the world and, in particular, against the criminalization of people who defend the climate and the environment. During the event, some testimonies from activists collected by Amnesty International will also be presented.

Among the initiatives promoted by Amnesty International Italia in the context of the General Assembly is also the collaboration with the Ravenna Festival of Cultures, through training workshops organized by the association’s Human Rights Education office, for the Sebastião Salgado exhibition. Exodus – Humanity on the move. The photographic exhibition, at the MAR – Art Museum of the city of Ravenna until 2 June, is dedicated to the theme of migration between Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe.

Sunday 2 June, again as part of the Festival of Cultures, the spokesperson of Amnesty International Italia Riccardo Noury, together with the journalist Laura Cappon and the illustrator Gianluca Costantini, will present the 2023-24 Report on human rights in the world. The meeting will take place at 3pm at Rocca Brancaleone.

The guests

Yousef Hamdouna he was born and raised in the Gaza strip and has seen many wars and sieges, but he remains a man who believes in peace. He is 42 years old and belongs to the generation of Palestinians who have managed to be protagonists of civil society. He has been project coordinator of the Italian NGO Educaid since 2018. And it was precisely in Gaza that he was the beneficiary, also having a daughter with disabilities, of Educaid cooperation projects and then, after training, he became coordinator of the facilities for the 1200 users register in the Educaid database. Among the projects carried out, there were also two play buses that ran around the Strip – until 7 October – to give children the right to play.

Norma Bargetzi-Horisberger & Bruna Molinari of KlimaSeniorinnen (Seniors for the Climate Switzerland) – Norma was born and raised in Locarno, she studies as a psychotherapist at the CG Jung institute in Zurich. She works as a social worker for various institutions. Being an activist of “Elders for the climate” is for her the continuation of a “fil rouge” that has characterized her life for many years and the place in which she makes her skills and creativity available. Bruna was among the activists who appealed to the European Court of Human Rights in 2023. “As a grandmother and mother, I think they have the right to have a better climate than we have.”

Ludovico Basili of Osservatorio Repressione, environmental activist. He fought against the Montalto di Castro nuclear power plant. Collaborator, in the past, of weekly and monthly magazines. Editor and editorial coordinator for publishing houses of the Il Saggiatore group. Engaged in volunteering with an association that deals with the hardship of minors. He collaborated with the International Committee for the Development of Peoples in campaigns to disseminate the International Convention on the Rights of Minors, in Ethiopia and in the Sahrawi camps. He took part in dissemination projects on environmental issues in the Roman suburbs. Organizer of festivals and literary events.

Alessandro Gianni, director of campaigns for Greenpeace Italy. After graduating in Biological Sciences, he completed his PhD in Evolutionary Biology. He has been with Greenpeace since 1991.

Martina Comparelli of Fridays For Future Milan. Born in Milan and studies international development and humanitarian emergencies in New York and London. However, she finds her true passion once she returns to Milan, taking part in a protest for the Amazon forest by Fridays For Future. Since then she has contributed to the movement with Italian and international campaigns and mobilisations. On October 1, 2021, during the international “PreCOP” summit in Milan, she organized with her Fridays For Future a march in which 50,000 people took part.

Lucrezia Boscari of the Amnesty International Italia Observers Task Force – Lawyer in Padua. She has been part of the Observers Task Force since 2019. She is a former coordinator of the Central and Eastern Africa Coordination and has been in the MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Coordination for more than a year.

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