Administrative elections 2024, last survey in Prato and Florence

Administrative elections 2024, last survey in Prato and Florence.

Administrative elections 2024, latest survey. Then the stop before the vote on 8 and 9 June 2024 for local elections and Europeans.

According to the survey by EMG Different for Toscana TV announced on Thursday 23 May 2024 evening, the centre-left mayoral candidate in Prato Ilaria BugettiPd plus M5S, at 50%. Gianni Cenni, center-right mayoral candidate, at 42.5%. In the runoff, Bugetti would win with 56%.

Administrative elections 2024, mayoral candidate Ilaria Bugetti (Fb photo Ilaria Bugetti)
Administrative elections 2024, mayoral candidate Gianni Cenni (Fb photo Gianni Cenni)

In Florence the candidate for mayor Sara Funarocenter-left, at 40% against 33%. Eike Schmidt, center-right mayoral candidate. Not only. According to the survey Funaro would win the runoff with 60%.

Administrative elections 2024, last survey in Prato and Florence
Administrative elections 2024, mayoral candidate Sara Funaro (Fb photo Sara Funaro)
Administrative elections 2024, last survey in Prato and Florence
Administrative elections 2024, mayoral candidate Eike Schmidt (Fb photo Eike Schmidt)

Gianni Cenni, center-right mayoral candidate in Prato, announced a SWG survey for Fratelli d’Italia according to which Cenni is between 41 and 45% and Bugetti between 40 and 44%.

Let’s see the data from the 2024 administrative surveys in Prato and Florence.

Therefore, according to EMG Different for Toscana TV in Florence, Sara Funaro, the center-left mayoral candidate in the first round, would get 40% against the 33% of the center-right candidate Eike Schmidt. In the runoff Funaro would win with 60% against Schmidt’s 40%.

In Prato in the first round the centre-left mayoral candidate Ilaria Bugetti would obtain 50% against the 42.5% of the centre-right candidate Gianni Cenni. In the runoff, the poll shows Bugetti winning with 56% against 44% for Cenni.

Mario Daneri, candidate for mayor of Prato Merita, which brings together Renzi’s Italia Viva, Calenda’s Action, Libdem and Psi, follows Bugetti and Cenni with 3.5%.

Administrative elections 2024, last survey in Prato and Florence
Administrative elections 2024, mayoral candidate Mario Daneri (Fb photo Mario daneri)

The EMG survey, informs Toscana TV, was carried out from 20 to 22 May in Florence on a sample of 1,000 cases with 5,652 contacts and 4,652 refusals.

In Prato on a sample of 800 cases with 4,411 counted and 3,611 refusals.

In Florence Stefania Saccardi of Italia Viva candidate in the center with Saccardi would reach 11.5%, Cecilia Del Re Democratic Florence at 6%. Dimitrj Palagi, left, at 5%. Lorenzo Masi, 5 Star Movement3%.

Administrative elections 2024, last survey in Prato and Florence
Administrative elections 2024, candidate for mayor Stefania Saccardi (Photo Facebook Stefania Saccardi)
Administrative elections 2024, last survey in Prato and Florence
Administrative elections 2024, candidate for mayor Cecilia Del Re (Fb photo Cecilia Del Re)

The survey, underlines Toscana TV, also evaluates the work of the outgoing mayors: Dario Nardella is judged positive for 67%. Among the most urgent problems for the Tuscan capital, those interviewed put healthcare first (40%) and safety immediately after (32%). In last place is the restyling of the 2% stadium. In Prato thethe work of the outgoing mayor Matteo Biffoni is judged positive by 79%. Also for Prato the first two places are occupied by health and safety and then employment with 24%.

As regards the survey made known by Gianni Cenni commissioned by Fratelli d’Italia – Alleanza Nazionale Toscana to SWG, the survey, Cenni explains, was conducted on a sample of 700 adults resident in Prato (2,987 non-respondents) between 17 and 22 May 2024. The sample includes quotas by age and gender. The statistical margin of error of the reported data is 3.7 percent and a 95 percent confidence interval.

This survey, informs the centre-right mayoral candidate Cenni, sees Cenni himself between 41 and 45 percent, Ilaria Bugetti between 40 and 44 percent.

According to the survey commissioned by Brothers of Italy – Tuscan National Alliance at SWG, “first research institute in Italy”, we read in Cenni’s note, this is the range within which the candidate of the centre-right and that of the centre-left move sixteen days before the vote for the local elections. The client asked SWG pollsters to estimate, through telephone interviews, the vote in the first round “and the outcome puts Gianni Cenni in the lead”.

Nods: “I expected this result: ours is an electoral campaign with the people and among the people, I’m not surprised because the feedback had already given me this feeling. I decided to undertake a truth operation with this survey and I chose SWG, an institute that needs no introduction. When you have a reliable scientific basis, you can also let go of the background noise. I was calm before, I’m calm now. Keep your head down and work without stopping because Prato deserves this: it deserves to be listened to, to speak, to participate, to be there.”

Gianni Cenni also makes reference to the other names in the running: “I believe that the survey serves to give the right dignity to the other candidates for the office of mayor, an all-round truth operation.”
The survey was conducted on a sample of 700 adults resident in Prato (2,987 non-respondents) between 17 and 22 May. The sample includes quotas for age and sex. The statistical margin of error of the reported data is 3.7 percent and a 95 percent confidence interval.

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