Giovanni Rosati, why did you do it? «Because I have Varese inside me. For the passion put in by my father. Out of ambition” –

Giovanni Rosati, why did you do it? «Because I have Varese inside me. For the passion put in by my father. Out of ambition” –
Giovanni Rosati, why did you do it? «Because I have Varese inside me. For the passion put in by my father. Out of ambition” –

Behind the Bustecche net, where he will live in an apartment from the beginning of June, he observes the Juniores training and exchanges a few words with the father of a player who approaches him, before being joined by Massimo Foghinazzi, head of the youth sector, with whom he will go to an appointment with a friend who supports the company. Giovanni Rosati chose the path of Varese, despite having other options available, and he did so at the age of 21 in a club that has been in the amateurs since 2015 (never such a long period away from home, series C and B, in 114 years of history): no one imposed it on him, no one will give him anything and everyone will ask him for something. Let’s start doing it, curious to understand how we can bet on Varese today, perhaps waiting for a spark to be able to do it again, sooner or later, us too and by “we” we mean everything, or rather everyone.

Giovanni Rosati, who made him take on this responsibility?
The passion that my father put into it. My ambitions. The desire to make all of myself available to this cause that I feel is mine because, even if I weren’t in it, I would still feel this square and these colors were “mine”. Which I certainly don’t discover, nor should I be the one to explain what they represented and what they represent.

If the Varese curve arrived on the first day of the rally with a banner that read “We want Serie C”, how would you react (your father said: “The goal is to do better than third place, so… .”)?
I would like to get to that banner knowing that in these weeks of work we have done everything to live up to those words and that request from the fans.

A few days in the red and white board of directors as a glue between ownership, first team and youth sector: what is the most difficult thing you will have to deal with?
Deciding and taking responsibility for the choices: we cannot know if they will be the winning ones, but we must have underlying knowledge of the facts, a philosophy, calculated risks to always be able to say that those made are choices “by Varese”. I feel a great sense of responsibility that stimulates me, there is a lot of desire on both my part and that of director Montanaro.

Why the choice of Montanaro ds?
Because he would have done anything to be in Varese, he has great ambition and dreams of bringing the coat of arms of this square back to the top. And because he has demonstrated all this to us for some time. Montanaro is here now because he wanted to be alone here. Furthermore, he is a transversal figure: he has indeed achieved very good results in Bra which give value to the professional, but he also has a managerial slant with important skills outside football. He sees the field but he also sees the environment and the society in which he works.

On Monday evening the sporting director from Varese who built the Varese team’s return to Serie B after 25 years achieved an impossible survival in Serie A with Verona for the second consecutive year. What would he tell him?
From my very young age I admired him when he was at Varese. For what they’re worth, I congratulate him as a pure football fan who follows Serie A. I’m certainly not the one who needs to comment on his impressive work. I am a Sogliano fan and I hope he will find the time to come and see us.

New team: what is the line drawn by the club even before the arrival of the sporting director and coach?
Give continuity to the group that finished third. Raineri and Cotta, who did an excellent job, will no longer be at the forefront in the technical area but we will continue the work put in place by them, starting from this year’s group. The transfer routes and the difficulties are endless, but the will is to keep the core of a group that is healthy, hungry and has deserved Varese on the pitch. How many will be confirmed? I don’t have to say it, but we will try to keep a large part of the team, even if it will be up to the new coach to have a say together with the director.

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