Prime Minister Meloni at the Trento Economics Festival today – News

Prime Minister Meloni at the Trento Economics Festival today – News
Prime Minister Meloni at the Trento Economics Festival today – News

Europe at the vote, the Italy of the future, the energy and digital transition, the banking system. These are some of the main themes that will be addressed today during the second day of the Trento Economics Festival. The event, organized by the 24 Ore Group and Trentino Marketing on behalf of the autonomous Province, is now in its nineteenth edition.

The central moment of the day will be the speech by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the theme ‘I, Giorgia and the dilemmas of Europe’. There will be numerous events with government representatives, including the deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, Antonio Tajani, the minister of justice, Carlo Nordio, and the minister of the interior, Matteo Piantedosi. Also in Trento will be the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein, who will address the topic ‘My answers to the dilemmas of our time’.

In the morning the 24 Ore Group will illustrate the new features of the financial education manifesto presented in the previous edition of the Trento Economics Festival. During the day, a discussion is also expected between the general secretaries of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, of the CISL, Luigi Sbarra, and of the UIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri. Also present at the Festival initiatives were the president of ABI, Antonio Patuelli, the president of Consob, Paolo Savona, and the president of Intesa Sanpaolo, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro.

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