Pavia weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 25 May


The weather forecast in Pavia for Saturday 25 May show an alternation of atmospheric conditions throughout the day. In the morning, overcast skies with the probability of light rain, while in the afternoon few clouds and scattered clouds are expected. Temperatures will remain cool, with values ​​between +13.5°C and +20.3°C.

In the morning of Saturday 25 May in Pavia, the sky will be overcast with cloud cover around 99%. Temperatures will settle at around +14.4°C at 06:00, then gradually rise to +16.3°C at 10:00. The wind speed will be between 5.7km/h and 9.6km/h coming from the West – North West. Humidity will remain high around 92-93%.

In the afternoon in Pavia, weather conditions will improve with few clouds and cloud cover around 20-27%. Maximum temperatures will be around +20.3°C at 3pm. The wind will blow from the West – South West with a speed between 7.3km/h and 12.6km/h. Humidity will decrease slightly compared to the morning, settling around 66-76%.

In evening, the sky will be cloudy with coverage around 15-46%. Temperatures will gradually drop, with values ​​around +13.5°C at 11pm. The wind will blow from the South West with a speed between 8.9km/h and 10.9km/h. Humidity will remain around 84-88%.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Saturday 25 May in Pavia indicate a start to the day with light rain, followed by an improvement in atmospheric conditions in the afternoon with partly cloudy skies. Temperatures will remain cool, with light winds from the West – North West. It is advisable to pay attention to climatic variations during the day and prepare adequately to face different weather conditions.

All the weather data for Saturday 25 May in Pavia

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