Leo signs a directive that blocks the decree on the income meter. Forza Italia and Lega: “Abolish it completely, a vexatious system”

Leo signs a directive that blocks the decree on the income meter. Forza Italia and Lega: “Abolish it completely, a vexatious system”
Leo signs a directive that blocks the decree on the income meter. Forza Italia and Lega: “Abolish it completely, a vexatious system”

The government’s fool on the income meter ends with a backtracking by the Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo even before the meeting on Friday during which his report on the decree published in the Official Journal last Monday was expected. After Giorgia Meloni’s public announcement on the decision to “suspend” the measure, Leo on Thursday in fact […]




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The government’s fool on the income meter it ends with a backtracking by the Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo even before the meeting on Friday during which his report on the decree published in the Official Journal last Monday. After the public announcement of Giorgia Meloni on the decision to “suspend” the measure, Leo on Thursday in fact signed a address document with which it blocks the return into force of the instrument for the “synthetic determination of income” that had been suspended by the Dignity decree in 2018. Government sources on Wednesday, however, specified that the deferral of the application is expected pending “a subsequent regulatory provision to review the institute”. League And Forza Italia they continue to push for complete cancellation.

“The income meter must be abolished”, declares the group leader of the FI senators, Maurizio Gasparri, announcing that the blue group at Palazzo Madama has prepared an amendment “to repeal this obsolete instrument which has been replaced by the new tax regulations desired by the centre-right government”. The text of the amendment according to Gasparri will be brought up for discussion in the Council of Ministers by the deputy prime minister and secretary of FI Antonio Tajaniwho once again attacked the instrument today: “The income meter is a system inquisitive“. And yesterday the Northern League saw an agenda approved in the Chamber in which he asks for the cancellation of what Alberto GusmeroliPresident of the 10th Productive Activities Commission of the Chamber, defines it as a “vexatious instrument towards citizens”.

The opposition attacks in no particular order. For the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schleinis “another example of how this right is split And inconsistent. What I find worrying is that he always wants to send a message to those who are smart and not to the citizens honest who pay taxes.” “They introduce the income meter and then they do it they remain. They say they don’t want one tax police state but they are going in that direction”, is the different comment from the M5S president Giuseppe Conte during an electoral event in Monterotondo (Rome). “They’ll take it back now that the election campaign is underway but you’ll see that we have it they repeat a moment later. Go home. You are amateurs.” The leader of Action, Carlo Calenda, believes that the income meter is “necessary”, while Matteo Renzi of Iv considers it “illiberal” and criticizes Meloni because “he wanted to reintroduce the Istat averages” to estimate expenses.

Meanwhile, the definitive green light for the decree is expected at tomorrow’s meeting of the Council of Ministers review of tax sanctions which also offers one criminal shield to those who pay their debts to the tax authorities in installments. The cut in fines, which are reduced overall by around 10%, as explained in the Technical Report, will reduce revenues by at least 75 million, a quantification which is also too optimistic according to the Chamber Budget Service. Not only that: for the Montecitorio technicians, the modification of the punishability thresholds of tax crimes can “reduce the deterrent effectiveness of the criminal sanction, determining possible negative effects on revenue”.

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