Foggia Via Almirante urbanization works unblocked

In the next municipal council, which will be held on Tuesday 28 May, the unblocking of the works regarding the urbanization services of via Giorgio Almirante is expected.

THE 5 STAR MOVEMENT. “The impetus to unblock the process, which has been bogged down for over 10 years – they write from the movement founded by Beppe Grillo – arrived in the 6th Territory Commission, of which the five-star councilors Giovanni Quarato (President) and Francesco Strippoli are an active part, who gave the green light to approve the final project and declared the public utility of the work, noting and overcoming the many delays and distortions of the past which led to the decline of the urban planning restriction and the worsening of the many critical issues of the area in question . The favorable opinion on the Resolution was voted by a majority of 5 votes in favour, 2 abstentions and 1 absent and the text will be promptly discussed and approved in the next City Council convened for Tuesday 28/05/2024.

QUARATE. Giovanni Quarato, President of the Commission, commented: “The urbanization of Via Almirante and its connection with Via Parini represents a local road network and implementation of essential services that we have recommended as a priority since the new administration took office. An issue already explored and followed with apprehension by the M5S in the last council meeting, at the time by the opposition benches. In this regard, I would like to recall the commitment of the former councilor Giuseppe Fatigato who did so much for the citizens of
that area”.

STRIPPOLI. Councilor Francesco Strippoli follows: “The condominium residents in the area know that I have written investigations and several articles on this sad affair, one of the most emblematic and disgraceful legacies of the past. This authentic odyssey also had moments of important civic redemption for the residents, as the latter never gave up and having won a historic appeal to the TAR against the inertia of the public administration. Now we needed to mark a change of pace at an administrative level and it is from them that we take inspiration bring this battle to an end and transform those media complaints into political impulse and respect for rights”.

OF THE EAGLE. The news was also commented by the PD: “It’s an age-old question – declared the group leader in the City Council Pasquale Dell’Aquila – The Democratic Party, collecting the right requests from the residents, has followed and has been following this story for years, with reports, inspections and public denunciations of a situation made tangled and painful by the negligence and culpable superficiality of the Landella Administration. A careful and in-depth analysis of all the documents and documents produced in recent years was necessary to get to the bottom of a real mess. Some parcels of land, which must necessarily be affected by the works, were not considered and, for this reason, were not subjected to expropriation proceedings when they should have. All this has produced delays, postponements and ultimately an absurd stalemate whose consequences are there for all to see”.

by Editorial Staff


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