Savona. All their lords in line!

Savona. All their lords in line!
Savona. All their lords in line!

Sergio Ravera writes on his Facebook page: “How many may have missed it or just glimpsed it… but Savona continues to remain silent and… not even sketch it, much less revive it”.

The division, or grouping-concentration, if you prefer, at a medium-high level of public, private or similar tasks, which we have witnessed in recent decades, has penalized the three small provinces in Liguria. The indelible memory runs through Savona alla Carisa incorporated into Carige (and it came to him badly), then the Port Authority converged men, vehicles and docks into the Autonomous Consortium of the maritime emporium of Genoa-Voltri; therefore, falling together with Imperia and La Spezia in a single grouping of Chambers of Commerce to the dismay of operators and employees.

Everyone in line – Rome is an accomplice – gentlemen! As always, the prudence of our rulers, where the number of residents, in politics, becomes a refuge determines the alternatives. We are still witnessing, at our own expense, the maneuvers (which at the moment look so much like mere exercises) which have as their object the strip of sea in front of Savona-Vado and the adjacent land.

The command to beware of your neighbor will soon also be issued for a Liguria which has just over 1,500,000 inhabitants, mostly concentrated along the coastal arc. But looking more closely it emerges: if Genoa with its hinterland has 800 thousand residents, the remaining territory – with Savona, La Spezia and Imperia – is close to 700 thousand. And given the current dynamics: with the possibility of the three provinces balancing themselves with the regional capital by 2050, perhaps even concluding with an overtaking.

Today, satellites remain anxiously waiting; of a few crumbs. Trifles, trifles. Without wishing to underestimate the primary and tourist activities of the entire Ponente which, together with presences in medium industry and artisanal production, are not lacking in the extreme Levant of Liguria.

Genoa is a metropolis perhaps a little out of date as a leading player compared to historical past, although at the same time capable of dictating conditions with its political body in safeguarding the primacy of the port in Italy and in promoting its value in the tourism field, approaching the strategies of that Savona which for decades fought with the Region to bring the leisure sector to its full potential. To subsequently end up poorly paid, subjected to maritime traffic, while anxiously awaiting the effects they will produce in the coming years breakwaters and passenger ships. Consequently, a small twist: the Vado Ligure container yard, a very annoying flea.

A desolate picture that exacerbates the gap between power and people, between center and periphery on the entire socio-political front.

Sergio Ravera

COMMENTS – Anna Cagnassi: We need many Raveras…

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