Among the candidates for Mayor in Granda, less than 15 percent are women

Among the candidates for Mayor in Granda, less than 15 percent are women
Among the candidates for Mayor in Granda, less than 15 percent are women

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About a year ago Pagella Politica, which deals with fact checking and analysis of current affairs, published a report on the political participation of women in Italy which showed data that was already worrying in itself. Among these we report one: «Out of 7,773 municipalities throughout Italy, there are 1,180 female mayors currently in office, equal to approximately 15 percent». In light of this miserable percentage, we therefore asked ourselves how the province of Cuneo is doing on the eve of the 2024 administrative elections, which in Granda will involve 172 municipalities: among the 282 candidacies for the role of mayor officially presented, female ones represent just 14.89 %. Which, translated, means that the number of female mayors elected in this round will be much, and we emphasize much, below 15%.

Our country’s delay in guaranteeing equal opportunities and rights in the workplace, political, social and family spheres for women is dramatic, and this data, which is only a “small” symptom of a general deep-rooted and systemic situation, tells us that Cuneo and the province in some aspects are even worse than the rest of Italy. We are always here repeating it to ourselves, as if we were traveling in a closed circuit: from year to year we observe, collect data, hold round tables and debates, develop political initiatives, but women constantly remain on the margins, a percentage point more, a percentage point less. This means only one thing: that the patriarchal culture is still largely dominant, that it has not been undermined, and that Italian women, and therefore also those from the Cuneo area, to a large extent still do not have economic independence, space to carry out the activity politics and social consideration equal to men. Considering that at a national level, inaction on gender equality is now a fact, given that the right to safe abortion is increasingly attacked, given that investments in families and childhood continue to be largely insufficient, given that the idea of ​​equal parental leave is starting to gain ground in Europe but is not even a topic of discussion here, and given that on many fronts the slogans of transfeminism sound like a dead letter if not a stone of scandal, the the overall picture is anything but rosy.

In this depressing context we believe that the issue of women’s political participation is central: it is not just a matter of creating the material conditions for them to enter institutions, it is a matter of ensuring that women themselves reflect, decide and legislate, in a equal, on the issue; it’s not just about giving them a cosmetic sop, it’s about demonstrating in practice that equality is an achievable goal. For this reason we feel like making an appeal: in the next administrative, regional and European elections, and in all the next elections, go and vote, and vote for candidates who support feminist and transfeminist battles.

Precisely to talk about political participation on Monday 27 May at 6.30 pm at Famù nel Parco, in Viale degli Angeli, in Cuneo, Pippo Civati ​​will arrive.

“Politics: participation and representation”

Giulia Marro and Marco Giusta, candidates in the regional elections for the Green and Left Alliance, talk to Giuseppe Civati.

Wedge Possible

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