Emmanuela talks about her dreams, projects and travels

Cultural inclusion is certainly a topical issue that arises in various contexts. The editorial team of MolfettaViva had the opportunity to interview Emmanuellayoung Brazilian girl, acting as volunteer of the European Solidarity Corps with InCo Molfetta. A 26 year old from Belémcapital of the State of Parawho left his big city – with more than a million inhabitants – to live a life experience, saying goodbye to South America and flying in Europehalf Italy. An important comparison that once again demonstrates how wonderful it is to discover new realities.

Interview with Emmanuella: an enthusiastic girl in love with life

The interview with Emmanuella filled us with pride and love for life. A girl capable of getting excited for the gifts that every day gives us, telling us many things about itself.

Who is Emmanuella? What do you do in life, between dreams and projects?
«I am a Brazilian girl and she is 26 years old. I graduated in advertising in Brazil and am currently studying for a master’s degree in communication sciences at the University of Porto. I love i tripsL’artthe galleriesi museums they complex topics. My plans and dreams have always been about social causes. I believe we can contribute to our community and as Paulo Freire would say “We learn from differences, not from equalities“, with this it is possible to understand yourself when you understand others and now more than ever I try to practice empathy».

Currently in Molfetta, how do you perceive life here, what brought you to us and what activities are you doing?
«I am a volunteer at the InCo association. The activities that I develop with them have to do with my professional area which is communication, i.e. social media, graphic design, copywriting, the personal project that must have an impact on the community and I also try to develop other skills such as develop projects, participate as leaders in youth exchanges, talk about Erasmus+ and be present at events that share the same values. And what I understand about life in Molfetta is that it is a small city, but very rich in history. I like to know the past, because it also represents the future, to understand and reflect”.

Have you found any differences and similarities with your country?
“Not so much! I think the liveliness and the kindness of people are similar. One of the curiosities is that when I arrived at the InCo association, I saw that there is another association, the Molfetta people in the world, and there there is a Brazilian flag. It was very interesting, especially considering that Molfetta was a completely unknown place for me at the time».

Cultural inclusion, Emmanuella’s opinion

Why is it so important to explore new lands and new worlds? How does it feel?
«For me it is extremely important, since I came from Brazil to Portugal, and then from Portugal to Italy, I understood that what moves and motivates me in life are interpersonal relationships, together with the exchange of cultures which, even in non-formal and informal contexts, inspires me to always be creative and to be more collaborative. In addition to thinking more about a global aspect, it means that step by step we contribute to international relations and the European way of thinking and collaborating.”

If you had to leave a message to future (and present) generations on the topic of inclusion, what would it be?
«Take advantage of the opportunities that Europe offers. When I heard that only 8% of young Europeans know about and integrate into programs like Erasmus+ or ESC it was shocking to me. Always be interested and curious, because it will take you where you want.”

An exchange not only of culture, but of thoughts, ideas and dreams. In the hope that it can be a further message to learn to enrich ourselves even more, culturally and humanly, we would like to further thank Emmanuella for the availability and enthusiasm shown. Welcome to Molfetta Emmanuella and have a good stay to you and all the guys who, luggage in hand and dreams in mindthey enrich our lives.

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