Reggio Emilia, farewell to Laura Nironi, appreciated teacher of many generations Gazzetta di Reggio

Reggio Emilia, farewell to Laura Nironi, appreciated teacher of many generations Gazzetta di Reggio
Reggio Emilia, farewell to Laura Nironi, appreciated teacher of many generations Gazzetta di Reggio

Cavriago She passed away in recent days at the age of 98 years old Laura Nironi, appreciated teacher of many generations of Reggio Emilia. Born in 1925 and raised in her beloved Cavriago, she finished her studies in Reggio Emilia and immediately after the war she began teaching in the elementary schools of Ghiardo, Bibbiano, Codemondo and for some years also in the provincial capital. Laura Nironi educated many children from various countries and, even after a long time, numerous former students remember her with unchanged affection.

«My mother was authoritative and very helpful: she welcomed, listened and helped both parents and students. For this reason she was much appreciated”, her daughter Marina tells the Gazzetta di Reggio. In the 1970s she became a widow. To conclude her last years of work, she moved to Reggio Emilia, where she found employment in the State Accounting office in viale Timavo. «My mother loved family – continues her daughter -. She was a woman who led a simple life: she took care of the garden, cooked, loved to sew (she was our seamstress at home). At home or in the workplace she was a point of reference, as women of the past knew how to be. She has always had a great attachment to her Cavriago, where she always returned on Wednesdays, during the market, to visit her friends and the villagers. She loved to chat, give advice and be close to those who needed it.”

Teacher Nironi spent her last years in the “San Giuseppe” nursing home in Quattro Castella.

«I would like to thank all the staff of San Giuseppe» in Quattro Castella for the love, affection and care they dedicated to my mother – concludes her daughter Marina -. Thanks also go to Dr. Marchesi for her humanity, and to my friend Paola Bertoldi who followed my mother with great affection until the end.”

Laura Nironi leaves behind her daughter Marina and her son-in-law Tiziano.

The woman’s funeral took place in Quattro Castella. The teacher rests in the Cavriago cemetery, near her loved ones, in the town to which she has always remained very attached.

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