Ragusa, extraordinary organ donation from an 86 year old

A young recipient will continue to live thanks to an extraordinary organ donation carried out at the “Giovanni Paolo II” hospital in Ragusa. A “great old man”, who died at the age of 86, donated his liver, allowing a young man to continue his life. The extraordinary commissioner of the ASP, Dr. Giuseppe Drago expressed, on behalf of the company, “condolences, closeness and gratitude towards the family, who in such an intimate and painful moment had the strength to think of others. I would also like to thank all the hospital workers who contributed to the donation, an event for which an enormous organization is set in motion.”

Dr. Francesca Corsaro, local coordinator of the ASP of Ragusa for transplants, underlined that “in our province, sensitivity to the topic of donation is growing more and more. As part of the company project ‘Knowing to donate’, which promotes and supports the culture of organ donation, we are holding meetings in schools across the province to highlight the importance of organ donation for the entire community. These meetings aim to stimulate participatory awareness that can support students in developing reflections on the high civic and moral value of such a noble and unfailing gesture”.

Regarding the collection made from “John Paul II”, an element of great interest is represented by the age of the donor. “There are no longer any age limits for donation – explains Dr. Corsaro -. Today we are able to use organs that until a few years ago would never have been removed, thanks to the introduction of highly innovative techniques. This represents great hope for waiting patients and their families. Another significant aspect of this procedure is that almost all of the healthcare personnel who handled the donor with great love and tenacity were women, including the two Ismett surgeons. This represents a big step for our small and generous province towards excellence, underlining once again the centrality of women in their ancestral call to perpetuate life, renewing it through the defense and protection of hope”.

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