Confapi Brescia expands defenses against cyber attacks

Confapi Brescia, in line with its commitment to guarantee the digital security of its member companies, today announced the activation of a new key resource: the email [email protected]. This service was specifically established to allow its members to promptly report any cyber attacks suffered, as part of the collaboration agreement signed last April with the Lombardy Postal Police.

By virtue of this partnership, Unimatica Confapi Brescia, the specialized vertical of Confapi Brescia in the IT sector, will act as a direct channel between the associated companies and the Postal Police. This approach aims to simplify and speed up the communications and actions necessary in response to cyberattacks suffered by its member companies, in order to limit the damage to a minimum. _”IT security is an absolute priority for Confapi Brescia and its associated companies”_, states the president of Confapi Brescia, Pierluigi Cordua -. _The activation of this dedicated email represents a further step forward in strengthening our defenses against digital threats, providing our associates with an immediate channel to report and address cyber attacks.”_

The introduction of the [email protected] email is the tangible result of the collaboration between Confapi Brescia and the Lombardy Postal Police, and underlines the joint commitment to protecting local businesses and promoting a culture of IT security._“Our partnership with the Lombardy Postal Police and the creation of the email [email protected] – ​​_said the president of Unimatica Confapi Brescia, Antonio Perini _-, represent the firm desire to provide rapid and effective support to protect local businesses from cyber attacks.

This initiative offers a direct channel for reporting any threats and allows us to act promptly to minimize the damage caused by cyberattacks. Cyber ​​security is an increasingly relevant challenge for businesses, and we are determined to ensure that Confapi Brescia member companies are protected and prepared to face these threats in an increasingly complex digital environment”._

Interested member companies can use this email to report any suspicious activity or request advice on IT security. Confapi Brescia is committed to providing comprehensive and professional support to protect the data integrity and security of local businesses. _“Our primary objective – _explained Giacomo Verzeletti, director of Unimatica Confapi Brescia_ -, is to guarantee a timely and professional response to all reports of cyber attacks coming from Confapi Brescia member companies. We are collaborating closely with the Lombardy Postal Police to coordinate the necessary actions and provide support to the affected businesses. Our priority is to protect the data integrity and security of local businesses, and I am committed to providing a quality service in dealing with all reports and requests for assistance.”_

According to the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) report, 2023 was a year of increasing cyberattacks. ACN handled over 1,411 cases of cyber intrusions during the year, a figure that underlines the intensity of the phenomenon. These incidents include a broad spectrum of attacks, from ransomware to DDoS, often perpetrated by state entities or hacktivist groups aiming to compromise critical national assets. Of particular relevance is the number of assets at risk, which exceeded 3,600, with 303 confirmed incidents, signaling a 374% increase in reports compared to the previous year.

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