Cariati air rescue platform, Nursind Cosenza writes to the Asp

DEARLY. In the ASP Cosenza and Azienda Zero agreement on the locations assigned to night flights for the management of emergencies via helicopter rescue, the Cariati one is missing from the various helipads. The Nursind nursing union is still reporting itwho also recalls that the commissioner structure of the ASP of Cosenza last 24 February invited many Calabrian municipalities to indicate any landing areas for the helicopter rescue.

On 17 May, the municipality of Cariati, following the evaluation of the Asp Cosenza managers, announced to the municipal council the identification of two probable locations: one at the Varco Bridge (Cariati Superiore, therefore approximately 5 km away from the health center, along the entire stretch of road in the historic center of Cariati); the other near the hill in front of the Cariati health center (yet to be built and already previously examined by the ASP Cosenza managers together with the Greco municipal council).

In explaining the importance of a suitable positioning, the same union mentions the ad hoc positioning of the Paola Hospital helipadadjacent to the emergency room, which allows patients with heart attacks, strokes, multiple traumas, etc. to be transported on foot. The hill in front of the Cariati health center, therefore, would constitute the most valid choice, because, as Nursind states, it would provide an immediate response as it is within the hospital in question as well as achievable in a short time. Therefore, Nursind asked the ASP of Cosenza to verify and request the aforementioned from Enac (National Civil Aviation Authority), to occasionally allow take-off and landing phases.

«Such life-saving meanslike the air ambulance which currently flies from 7am to 7pm – writes Nusind – sthey would help make up for the lack of ambulances during the night, providing effective responses for time-dependent pathologies».

We remember that the installation of a functional platform would not guarantee only the community of Cariati but all those in the hinterland and the Lower Ionian area of ​​Cosenza who see a first hospital several km away, traveling along makeshift roads (mountainous and hilly dirt roads and/or SS.106 dangerous par excellence).

«It is in the interest of each of us that our dignity is restored as soon as possible– they comment The Lamps –.We cannot afford distractions – Chiosano – because already on maximum alert there are delays in the works concerning the entire Vittorio Cosentino and the persistence of atavistic health problems which, currently, do not allow basic or emergency care».

Virginia Diaco

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