“Virtual scrolling only, students are still waiting for the money”

“Virtual scrolling only, students are still waiting for the money”
“Virtual scrolling only, students are still waiting for the money”

L’AQUILA – “Swipes have taken place but pockets are still empty”, says the UDU of L’Aquila. “After the publication of the scholarship rankings for the 2023/2024 academic year on April 29th, many students are still waiting to receive the first installment of the scholarship assigned to them: despite the scrolling, they have still empty pockets!”

“This situation is unacceptable and represents a serious failure towards those who have the right to fundamental financial support to continue their academic career. As UDU L’Aquila we have repeatedly publicly denounced the serious impact that delays in the disbursement of the scholarship create on the student community. Other changes should have taken place before this one in April, already in the January – February period, where we had already said that the regional funds would be insufficient and that an investment more than double what the region had arranged would be required.”

“The delay in payments is causing considerable inconvenience, putting into difficulty those who already face the challenges of an increasingly expensive university life on a daily basis. In practice, the April ranking anticipated the definitive scrolling which according to the announcement is expected in June, recognizing the benefit of the scholarship to all students. However, despite becoming beneficiaries “on paper”, they have not physically received the monetary compensation they are entitled to. The scholarship cannot be compared to an expense reimbursement that arrives after months. There must be adequate planning that allows the requesting student community to have the right support throughout the academic year. This financial support is essential to cover rent, educational materials, and other daily needs.”

“The UDU strongly requests the competent authorities and bodies in charge to intervene immediately to release the necessary funds and guarantee the timely payment of the scholarships. It is imperative that university institutions and regional bodies assume their responsibilities and work with the utmost urgency to resolve this situation. At a time when the right to education must be protected with greater determination, delays of this kind undermine students’ trust in institutions and compromise their right to quality education. UDU will continue to closely monitor the situation and provide support to all affected students, ensuring that their voices are heard and their legitimate requests are met.”

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