The 21st Paris-Nice cycling tour will stop in Cuneo – The Guide

The 21st Paris-Nice cycling tour will stop in Cuneo – The Guide
The 21st Paris-Nice cycling tour will stop in Cuneo – The Guide

Thursday 20th and Friday 21st June the cycling tour will stop in Cuneo Paris-Nice (Paris – Nice Cyclo 2024). The amateur race, which includes ten stages, is organized by the AAOCWISSOUS (Airport Association Olympique Cycliste WISSOUS) under the aegis of the FF Vélo (French Cycle Tourism Federation). The city of Cuneo will host the arrival of the stage coming from Vars and the departure of the last effort towards Nice.

The passage of the cyclosportive randonné is also further proof of the role of Cuneo Alpine City 2024 (recognition delivered by the association of the same name last May 17) and of its strategic position, surrounded by mountains, but close to the sea. There Paris-Nice Cyclo it will not be the only event related to two wheels that will be hosted in the city this year: in addition to the traditional Granfondo Fausto Coppi, in July Cuneo will host a “base camp” of the Graalps, starting from Mandelieu, on the French Riviera, and arrival in Crans Montana, Switzerland. In the month of September, from the 16th to the 22nd, it will then be the turn of the Cuneo Bike Festival.

In Paris-Nice, Cuneo will host the arrival of the ninth stage (160 kilometres), which will start Thursday 20 June at 7.30 from Vars. The caravan of over 150 cyclists will head up the Queyras valley to face the legendary Colle dell’Agnello and descend again passing through Val Varaita (lunch break in Sampeyre) and the Rossana’s collection where the stele dedicated to the unforgettable Marco Pantani stands out. The arrival in Cuneo is expected from 4.30pm in Piazza Galimberti.

The demonstration will restart Friday 21 June at 7 for the tenth and final stage from Cuneo to Nice (169 kilometers). Participants will head towards Vinadioand then veer towards the Lombarda hilldescend into Vallée de la Tinée And Vesubieand reach the Baie des Anges, where the event will end.

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