the historic restaurant-hotel in Portico was awarded

During the Catering Day, Ascom-Confcommercio awarded one of its historical associates, Marisa Raggi of ‘Al Vecchio Convento’, a restaurant-hotel in Portico di Romagna. ‘Al Vecchio Convento’, says the director of Ascom Alberto Zattini, “is a true excellence of the territory. Thanks to the professionalism of Marisa Raggi – our associate since the foundation of her business – and her collaborators have received media attention on a international”.

“Among the strong points of Portico di Romagna’s activity we must remember that it was the first widespread hotel in Emilia Romagna, a real example for the rest of our region, and beyond – he continues -. Also worth highlighting are the many cooking courses and workshops held in the restaurant-hotel in Portico di Romagna. The president of Confcommercio Forlì, Roberto Vignatelli and the president of Fipe-Confcommercio Forlì, Andrea Zocca, participated in the award ceremony.

“Realities like ‘Al Vecchio Convento’ have an importance that goes beyond the entrepreneurial and economic aspect, because they are inserted in a context, such as that of Portico di Romagna, which has just over 700 inhabitants. Well, it is in front of the the social importance carried out by Marisa Raggi and the restaurant is visible to all – concludes Zattini -. The award is therefore well deserved and also recognizes this anti-depopulation function of our magnificent Apennines”. Catering Day is an event organized by Fipe-Confcommercio to enhance the values ​​and role of catering”.

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